Fantasy books


Bitter Moon Saga

Bitter Moon Saga | Books One - Four
$9.99 $7.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Bitter Moon Saga is the epic tale of Torrant Shadow—Triane’s Son—and his goddess gift; his lovers, family, and friends; and their struggle against the forces of evil. In Book 1, Torrant and Yarri no longer live in their tolerant home, and Torrant must use his goddess gift for protection if they are to survive. In Book 2, The evil from Torrant's homeland becomes too much to be ignored while he’s in school, and he must choose: will he be a healer or a hero? In Book 3, Torrant and Aylan ride to Dueance to infiltrate the Regent’s council and change policy toward the Goddess’s chosen from the inside. And in Book 4, Torrant must use his healer/poet and predator sides to save his people. If he fails, Rath will eliminate joy from the heart of the lands of the three moons, and all that Torrant and his family cherish will be lost. But success could exact a devastating cost, one Triane’s Son was never prepared to pay.


Triane's Son Rising

Triane's Son Learning

Triane's Son Fighting

Triane's Son Reigning


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

Crisol del destino

Cambio de actitud
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga Cambio de actitud

En la ciudad secreta de Sobek, Domin Thorne se está abriendo paso como el recién elegido semel-aten, el líder del mundo de los hombres pantera. Aspira a realizar cambios de gran alcance, ha establecido metas para él y para las personas que eligió llevar consigo y lidera su reinado según el ejemplo de su amigo, Logan Church. Pero quizá Domin se ha propuesto una meta idealista, ya que su estilo de liderazgo normal no está funcionando.

Mientras hace malabarismos con la nostalgia de Crane, el temperamento de Mikhail, el recurrente uso de látigos de Taj, sirvientes con intenciones asesinas, la visita de un ex, y una alma gemela en una peligrosa misión de buena voluntad, Domin tiene que descifrar solo su nuevo papel. Además, debe decidir cómo lidiar con una conspiración mientras cada día se enamora más de un hombre que, por primera vez en la vida de Domin, corresponde a ese amor. Esté Domin listo o no, el destino ha intervenido para enseñarle una lección: las amenazas internas son tan peligrosas como las externas.


$6.99 $5.24

Sinders and Ash

Pennymaker Tales
2015 Award Winners

Housekeeper Mark Sintorella (Sinders) works diligently at a resort hotel while designing clothes anonymously, hoping to get into fashion school. Then his carefully planned life is upended with the arrival of Ashton Armitage, son of the fifth richest man in America—and the most beautiful guy Mark has ever seen. Ash must find a wife or he’ll lose his grandfather’s inheritance, and he settles on Bitsy Fanderel. But secretly Ash is gay, and the guy who cleans the fireplaces sets his heart ablaze.

Further stirring the pot is the little elf of a man, Carstairs Pennymaker, who has Mark wearing his own designs and masquerading as a girl to impress the fashion investors in the hotel. When the clock strikes twelve, two beautiful princesses line up for the wedding—but one isn’t a woman. Will the slipper fit? Only Mr. Pennymaker knows for sure.


Sebastian Orwell did the only thing a smart wizard could do when he stumbled upon the wounded Crown Prince: he healed him and dumped him in a tavern where he could continue not being Sebastian's problem. Unfortunately, the prince isn’t content with being alive, and he hunts Sebastian down to thank him personally. Not only is Sebastian stuck with the prince's unwanted affections, he's also confronted by growing evidence linking the assassination attempt to someone from his father's past.

Lord Orwell is a lot of things: thief, liar, drunk, and all around horrible father, but Sebastian knows he's no murderer. In order to prove it, Sebastian has to keep the prince alive long enough to discover the truth—a task made considerably harder because the idiot prince prefers wooing Sebastian over securing his own survival. On top of everything, Sebastian needs to save the day without revealing his magical powers and the real reason he hides his appearance.

Sebastian had no intention of playing the hero, but whoever is stirring up shit in his country will pay for destroying his quiet life.


The God Hunters: A Gathering of Flowers

The God Hunters | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters: Book Four

A powerful evil still lurks within the Expanse, and there is only one way to protect its citizens.

The Masters of Science and Technology are hell-bent on eliminating any advanced civilizations that threaten their authority. However, the truth behind their aggressive behavior is becoming widespread thanks to David, who masquerades as the Being of Light whenever he rushes in to save any worlds on the brink of destruction. Because of this, a considerable number of MST troops have broken away from their organization and are now acting as rogue agents to uphold their so-called good names.

One of the most dangerous weapons the MST has is Ahzoul—a powerful elemental. His corrosive spells have destroyed stars and poisoned entire worlds. But with the help of a distant galactic remnant, David and his companions have finally found a way to defeat Ahzoul.

David’s role as Keeper of the Citadel is synonymous with protecting the innocent, and that’s exactly what he means to do—no matter what the cost.


$6.99 $5.24

The Sun Dragon

The Sun Dragon | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Sun Dragon: Book One

It’s been many years since the beauty of dragons riding the wind disappeared from the skies, destroyed by the corrupt King Roland and his greedy minions.

Or were they?

Instead of killing the dragons, Roland transformed them into humans so they could mingle with his people and breed him an army. Teenage Allanah saves her friend Victoria from falling victim to his scheme with newly manifested magical abilities. Another surprise comes when Allanah’s first high school crush, Jason, reveals he’s been sent by a clandestine council of wizards to test Allanah and Victoria’s arcane talents. No one is more amazed than Allanah when, during her trial, she produces the world’s first light dragon.

Allanah might be the only hope not just for her best friend but also for the survival of all the world’s dragons. In addition to her monumental task, she struggles to understand her feelings between her new attraction to Cormac, the wizard general, and her emerging desire for a beautiful, forest-dwelling Igreefee girl named Dena.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Stopping to offer help one sultry summer night, Mason James is unprepared for the change that this simple act of kindness will bring. After giving an old man a ride home, Mason discovers a new, magical, and even dangerous world he cannot hope to understand. But he also finds Luc Toussaint and is intoxicated at first sight... and even the secret Luc protects won’t be enough to keep Mason away from the truth of his heritage and their love.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


$3.99 $2.99

Hidden Wings

Bittersweet Dreams
Anima | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Anima: Book One

Kanji is the last royal Kuro swan, an ancient race who once served the demonic Sidhee. The Kuro were betrayed and given as slaves to the Dryma fairies. When a Dryma is born, his soul attaches to a tree, and to sustain their lives, the Dryma conscript the Kuro to protect their woods. In their servitude, the Kuro are languishing and dying off. Kanji is desperate to reunite his people with their stolen wings, but the task seems impossible.

When Kanji discovers a plan to unite the Sidhee and the Dryma, he tricks the Sidhee prince and attends a masked ball in disguise. There he meets Prince Tristan, who is nothing like the other fairies. Kind and compassionate, Tristan has a plan to free the Dryma from their dependence on the trees—and their need of the Kuro’s protection. It could mean freedom for Kanji’s people, but it might also mean choosing between them and the life of the fairy who is—impossibly—his mate.

When Tristan is wounded in battle and left for dead, his survival depends on the success of his experiments. Can Kanji dare to believe, or must he come to terms with the loss of his mate?

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$6.99 $5.24

Il fulcro

I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Di giorno Marcus Roth è uno dei migliori avvocati penalisti e di notte è un assassino di demoni, ma è solo uno fra i cinque guardiani: non è importante per nessuno, tranne che per Joseph Locke, il suo focolare. O così crede erroneamente Marcus.

Durante un viaggio a Lexington, Kentucky, per festeggiare il compleanno del nonno di Joe, questa opinione cambia quando Marcus scopre, senza volerlo, una minaccia di origine soprannaturale che finisce per rivelare la sua vera identità di guardiano ai familiari di Joe. Dovendo affrontare un traditore, i demoni e il ritorno di un vecchio nemico, Marcus deve mettere in secondo piano i propri sentimenti per salvare i suoi amici, anche se con quella scelta potrebbe perdere per sempre l’uomo che ama. Anche sopravvivere a questa dura prova potrebbe non essere abbastanza, se Marcus non perdonerà se stesso e non sarà disposto a capire che il suo focolare e il resto del suo gruppo non possono fare a meno di lui.


$4.99 $3.74

Onwaachige the Dreamer

The Two-spirit Chronicles | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to A Scout is Brave
The Two-spirit Chronicles: Book Three

Love can mean sacrifice. Joshua Ishkoday must decide if he can abandon the boy he loves in order to save him.

In the expansive and sometimes deadly northwoods of Wisconsin, Joshua must make a heartbreaking choice as he battles his greatest fears. His best friends, Mokwa and Little Deer, accompany him when a nightmare sends him on an adventure of self-discovery. But the three teenagers aren’t alone in the vast forest. Joshua realizes bizarre creatures called Memegwesi have not only been manipulating him through his dreams, but plan to use him in a mysterious plan of their own. Soon he’s fighting three enemies: the lethal storm headed their way, the mysterious beings appearing in his dreams, and most frightening of all, his mother’s hatred and bigotry.


$6.99 $5.24

The Lightning-Struck Heart

Tales From Verania
2017 Award Winners

Once upon a time, in an alleyway in the slums of the City Of Lockes, a young and somewhat lonely boy named Sam Haversford turns a group of teenage douchebags into stone completely by accident.

Of course, this catches the attention of a higher power, and Sam’s pulled from the only world he knows to become an apprentice to the King's Wizard, Morgan of Shadows.

When Sam’s fourteen, he enters the Dark Woods and returns with Gary, the hornless gay unicorn, and a half-giant named Tiggy, earning the moniker Sam of Wilds.

At fifteen, Sam learns what love truly is when a new knight arrives at the castle—Knight Ryan Foxheart, the dreamiest dream to have ever been dreamed.

Naturally, it all goes to hell when Ryan dates the reprehensible Prince Justin, Sam can't control his magic, a sexually aggressive dragon kidnaps the prince, and the King sends them on an epic quest to save Ryan's boyfriend, all while Sam falls more in love with someone he can never have.

Or so he thinks.


Kaminishi: Four Seasons

Kaminishi | Book Two
$4.99 $3.74

Sequel to Kaminishi
Kaminishi : Book Two

Michael Holden and Shintaro Kawakami have put Shintaro's yakuza past behind them and started a new life together in Tokyo. For Michael, the relationship is the joyous reunion he dreamed of. The love he traveled through time for is his again, and this time it’s for good.

But echoes from that summer long ago are never far away—and for the two men, winter is on the horizon.

From the past to the present and as the seasons turn—love always comes around again when the cherry blossoms bloom.


$4.99 $3.74

King of the Storm

The Godhead Epoch | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Godhead Epoch: Book One

No one can outrun destiny or the gods.

In Epiro, a kingdom in Greece, Perseus is prophesied to be a great demigod hero and king, with a legacy that will shape the world of Gaia. When he was born, his grandfather exiled him, and his mother brought them to Seriphos, where she created an academy for demigod youth. Perseus trains there and waits for the day when he will be able to take the throne of Argos.

Despite potential future glory, Perseus’s fellow students think he is weak. By the time he reaches manhood, he has given up the hope of having any real friends, until Antolios, a son of Apollo, takes an unexpected interest in him.  Perseus and Antolios fall in love, but Antolios knows it cannot last and leaves Seriphos.

Perseus, grief stricken and lonely, rebels against the Fates, thinking he can avoid the prophecy and live his own life.  But when the gods find him, he is thrust into an epic adventure. With his divine powers, he fights gorgons and sea serpents, and battles against his darker nature. Perseus strives to be his own man… but the gods have other plans.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de la saga "Almas gemelas"

El veterinario Seth Davies llega a Senaka, Wyoming, en busca de paz y anonimato, intentado escapar de su pasado. Siempre ha sido blanco de los problemas y el dolor, y ha tenido más que suficiente de ambos. Kasey Whitedove echa un vistazo a Seth y asume lo peor. Ningún hombre blanco podría amar a los animales de la forma en que la mayoría del pueblo cheyene espera, y Kasey convierte los primeros días de Seth en Senaka en más que desagradables.

Entonces, un accidente pone a Kasey en la incómoda posición de tener que tragarse sus palabras —y desear desesperadamente a Seth— a pesar de los peligros de la vida de Kasey como hombre lobo y de los estresantes secretos de Seth. Perseguir a Seth y mantenerle a salvo de su pasado se acaba convirtiendo en la tarea más importante para Kasey.


$6.99 $5.24

A Thousand Years of Persistence

Between Heaven and Earth | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Between Heaven and Earth: Book Two

Lu Delong, half-human, half-yao mercenary, has been training to become more powerful in his quest to be of worth to Cangji, the formidable immortal he desires. To prove he deserves a place in the expedition to Mount Kunlun, Delong risks his life in a dangerous mission against Black Moon Sect. However, as Delong grows stronger, he becomes more aware of the vast disparity between himself and Cangji—ten years is not nearly enough time for Delong to be of much use in the impending conflict that may shake the very foundations of the universe.

Yet the realization only fuels his yearning to understand the forgotten mysteries of his connection with Cangji. Delong knows he will never achieve his goal of saving the celestial dragon if he remains mortal. Luckily, thanks to his past he has a shortcut to attaining immortality.

However, memories from his previous incarnations deeply disturb Delong, and he soon realizes he might not be the innocent outsider in the conflict between gods as he first imagined himself to be.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Celebrate with Harmony Ink Press as we recognize the talented winners of our second annual Young Author Challenge. This anthology showcases the LGBTQ genre’s best up-and-coming-authors between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one.

The road from childhood to adulthood can be a bumpy one, especially for LGBTQ youth. Travel beside characters of all identities, orientations, and expressions as they search for a place to belong and people to love and support them just the way they are. From cities to the countryside, across diverse nations, and in fantastical realms of imagination, these young people struggle against society’s expectations, judgment from friends and family, and their own confusion—all while trying to enjoy their teenage years. Join them as they find the strength to be the people they’re meant to be and the courage to show their beauty to the world.

Angelicque Bautista—Hummingbird Heart
Alice Blank—I Wouldn't Let You Drown
Erica Engelin—My Friend, My Sister
Melissa Dollison—Home Before the Moon Turns
Shaye Evans—Boarding Discovery
Danielle Eyer—The Love Song of Amalia Savage
Jordan Gillespie—Love in the Time of Figure Skating
Juli Philippo—Ceilings
Zig—The Three Poly Teens
Hannah Irene—Black Rose
CJ—The Pirate and the Princess
Sheila McIntosh—Leucippa
Gabriella Reeb—Just a Little Bit Late
S. A. Star—Chance Encounters
Sara Stark—Stardust
Laura Swogger—This Photograph
Imani J. Walton—Three Stages of Agony


$6.99 $5.24

Cairn and Covenant

Blessed Epoch | Book Four
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $5.24

Book Four of the Blessed Epoch

An assassin’s unexpected mercy granted Octavian Rose his life and freed him from his father’s control, but it left him with little more than the clothes on his back and the determination not to waste his chance at a life of his choosing.

As Octavian sets out to make a name for himself, he refuses to compromise his ideals for money or status—a decision tested as he works his way up the ranks as a mercenary fighter and novice mage. Along the way he forges friendships, takes lovers, and makes bitter enemies, all while striving for the power he feels he deserves and can wield fairly.

With the advent of the Blessed Epoch and the discovery of new cultures, the world is changing. Octavian’s decisions will affect not only those closest to him but will have profound worldwide consequences that he cannot begin to imagine. For twenty years, Octavian does what he must, and his choices bring him brilliant victories alongside crushing losses. Time and again, he must choose between what is right for all and what is beneficial to him, while hoping for the wisdom to tell the difference.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

When Astrin Raphael finds himself held hostage in an unfamiliar place, he has no option but to try to have faith in someone who seems to despise him. Little does he know his captor is his nemesis, Rowan Gabriel, whose disdain for Astrin all started with a misunderstanding years ago.

The kidnapping of Astrin’s father and Rowan’s uncle leaves the two princes with no choice but to form a precarious alliance. Rowan casts off his hatred and reaches out to Astrin, but Astrin’s doubt and insecurity run too deep to let go of easily. It’s not until Astrin almost loses his life that he’s able to acknowledge what Rowan means to him and admit to the love forming between them.

Their struggle doesn’t end when they return home and their Houses attempt to broker a deal to determine their future together. Each prince might face a choice between keeping his title and finding happiness with the man he loves.


$6.99 $5.24