

Behr Facts

Foothills Pride Stories

A Foothills Pride Story

Big, burly CEO Abe Behr is dismayed to discover someone—possibly a family member—is stealing from Behr Construction, which primarily employs Behr relatives. Abe takes the unprecedented step of hiring an outsider, likeable CPA Jeff Mason, to go over the books and help find the culprit. They are drawn to each other as they talk to workers, including Abe’s two younger brothers and their shifty cousin.

Since he has sacrificed romance all his life to build the business, Abe’s surprised by his feelings for the handsome Jeff. He’s even more shocked when they are confronted by bigotry in the Sierra Nevada foothills community, which is being inundated by gays moving from the San Francisco area. As he and Jeff get closer, Abe must come to grips with coming out to a family and community that aren’t very tolerant. Fortunately, being the head Behr helps him find his footing and grab onto love when it bites him.


Suffisamment normal

La guerre des moteurs
$3.99 $2.99

La guerre des moteurs, numéro hors série

Qu’est-ce qui est “normal” ?

Quand Brandon Kenner entre dans le garage de Kasey Ralston avec sa Chevelle SS 454 de 1970, Kasey est sous le choc, à la fois à cause de l’homme et de sa voiture. Mais Kasey cache un secret des plus embarrassants : son amour pour les vieilles muscle cars qui va bien au-delà de ce que l’on pourrait considérer comme normal. Cet attrait inhabituel avait conduit Kasey à rester isolé — à l’écart de sa famille, et même à distance de ses collègues de travail.

Mais quand Brandon découvre le secret du mécano, il n’est pas repoussé. En fait, il trouve même Kasey intrigant, et est bien déterminé à l’avoir pour lui tout seul.

Absolument tout chez Brandon fait ronronner le moteur de Kasey, et il est plus que motivé à se salir les mains en compagnie de cet homme des plus charmants. Les inquiétudes de Kasey viennent plus de ce qui pourrait se passer ensuite. Y a-t-il une chance pour qu’ils aient un futur ensemble ? Dans le passé, l’espoir d’une relation à long terme l’avait toujours conduit à de cruelles déceptions. Mais Kasey ne peut s’empêcher d’espérer qu’en dépit de ses penchants, Brandon sera l’exception.


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Zwölf Tage

Der Buchladen
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Eine Randbemerkung

Weihnachten ist für viele die Zeit der Liebe und Freude, doch für drei Männer in einem Buchladen namens Margins wird die heiße australische Weihnacht auch zu einer Zeit des Nachdenkens über das, was einst war und das, was noch kommen wird und zeigt ihnen auf, wie wichtig Heimat und Familie sind. Ihre Lebenswege führen im Buchladen zusammen, doch dabei hat jeder seine eigenen Hürden zu meistern: David fällt es schwer, mit seinem Sohn wieder eine Verbindung aufzubauen; John erfährt etwas über den Vater, der ihn verlassen hat, und Jamie macht sich darauf gefasst, Weihnachten zum ersten Mal allein verbringen zu müssen.


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The Weather Baker's Son

World of Love | France
$4.99 $3.74

Nature’s call of desire among golden fields and intoxicating red-lipped poppies seems to proclaim a path to love and healing in southern France. Yet Peter, an American university student struggling with self-doubt following a failed love affair, is determined never to be hurt again. While on a vacation with his widowed mother, Peter is smitten by Gaston, a handsome local baker. Gaston, less bold than Peter, is drawn to Peter as well but fearful of the loss of family esteem—particularly the respect of his cousin Mario, who looks up to Gaston. Their friendship grows into more as Peter continues to visit the bakery, but their increasing intimacy does not go unnoticed. The road to fulfillment becomes increasingly obscured, and internal doubts and external events spiral out of control. The arrival of a handsome stranger, suspicions of murder, and the threat of harm might spell the end of more than just their relationship.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


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Redesigning Max

Foothills Pride Stories

A Foothills Pride Story

Renowned interior designer Fredi Zimmer is surprised when outdoorsman Max Greene, owner of Greene’s Outdoors, hires Fredi to revamp his rustic cabin in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Fredi is an out-and-proud Metro male whose contact with the outdoors is from his car to the doorway of the million-dollar homes he remodels, and Max is just too hunky for words.

When Max comes on to Fredi, the designer can't imagine why. But he’s game to put a little spice into Max’s life, even if it’s just in the colors and fixtures he’ll use to turn Max's dilapidated cabin into a showplace. Who can blame a guy for adding a little sensual pleasure as he retools Max’s life visually?

Max, for his part, is grateful when Fredi takes him in hand, both metaphorically and literally. Coming out is the most exciting and wonderful time in his life, despite the conservative former friends who think they’re saving him from sliding into hell.


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Two days before Christmas, widower Steven drives to the North of England to meet his estranged son, Andy, hoping for a reconciliation. Steven rejected his son when, as a nineteen-year-old student, Andy came out to his parents. Andy now enjoys a happy and fulfilling relationship with Peter, who initiates contact with Steven by forwarding an almost childlike letter to Santa, in which Andy asks for a father who loves him.

Andy isn’t quick to forgive his father, but the bad weather conspires to strand them all together over the holidays. Father and son experience a steep learning curve, not helped by Steven’s realization that his son’s lover is older than he is. But proximity and familiarity have a way of breaking down barriers, and if all three men can work together in the spirit of cooperation, this Christmas might be one that changes their lives forever.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amazon Digital Services, 2013.


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$5.99 $4.49

Lord Thomas Pendleton, second son of the Duke of Branmoor, needs to discharge a debt to his friend Andrew Nash. In doing so, he must return to the family estate he fled six years earlier after refusing to marry the woman his father had chosen. To Thomas’s dismay, Branmoor Hall is no longer the joyful home he remembers from his childhood, and his four-year-old niece has no idea what Christmas is.

Determined to bring some seasonal cheer back to the gloomy estate, Thomas must confront his tyrannical father, salvage a brother lost in his own misery, and attempt to fight off his father’s machinations.

As Christmas Day draws near, Thomas and his friend Andrew begin to realize they are more than merely close friends… and those feelings are not only a threat to their social positions, but, in Victorian England, to their lives as well.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


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Soltanto il tuo nome

I Guardiani Degli Abissi
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro della serie I Guardiani Degli Abissi

Malic  Sunden è all’inferno, solo non letteralmente… non ancora. Come guardiano, è abituato a combattere contro i demoni e affrontare qualsiasi tipo di creatura proveniente dagli abissi, ma quest’anno deve fronteggiare una nuova e terrificante esperienza: trascorrere le vacanze di Natale insieme al suo giovanissimo ragazzo e la sua famiglia.

Ama Dylan, il suo focolare, ma i genitori del suo compagno, gli Shaw, sono tutta un’altra storia. Pensano, tra le altre cose, che Malic sia uno che si diverte a frequentare uomini più giovani. Almeno sembra piacere al loro vicino di casa, Brad. È solo apparenza, però. Quando Malic viene offerto in sacrificio a un demone che riesce a cancellare tutti i suoi ricordi tranne il nome di Dylan, ci vorranno tutte le sue capacità per sfuggire a una nuova vita in una delle dimensioni dell’inferno e fare ritorno dall’uomo che rappresenta per lui la sua casa.


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Beauty, Inc.

Pennymaker Tales

A Pennymaker Tale

Is beauty only skin deep?

Chemist Dr. Robert “Belle” Belleterre loves flowers, green trees, his best friend Judy, and “his baby:” the new face cream he developed to help put his father’s small cosmetics company on the map. Sadly he gets no help from his alcoholic, gambling-addicted father, who loses Belle in a poker game to Magnus Strong, the CEO of Beauty, Inc., the largest American cosmetics company—a man infamous for his scarred ugliness.

Belle finds himself uprooted from his home, living in a wildly crazy apartment in New York owned by Mr. Pennymaker, and completely unprepared for his mad attraction to the charismatic Strong. Feeling like a traitor, Belle fights his passion, only to see more and more of the goodness and humility hidden by Strong’s ugly face. But when Belle’s family starts manipulating his life again, the odds turn against happiness for beautiful Belle and his beloved beast.


Mele Kalikimaka

2016 Advent Calendar | Bah Humbug
$3.99 $2.99

Being rich has its advantages, but it is also rife with suffocating pressures and family telling Chandler Buckingham how to live his life. When his assistant offers to help him escape the mounting obligations of the holiday season by running away to Hawaii, Chandler jumps at the chance. Only to find nothing is quite as he’d expected.

Micah Keolu has lived in Hawaii all his life. He has to work two jobs and has little time for a social life, but his loving family and the island beauty around him have given him a heart as big as the ocean. And then one day he rescues a man trapped in an elevator in the building where Micah lives and works maintenance.

The unexpected happens as they find themselves drawn together, only to learn there is more to each other than meets the eye. Can two men from very different worlds find a way to enrich each other’s lives? Maybe the magic of the holidays just might bring them lasting joy!


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."


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The Stockings Were Hung

2016 Advent Calendar | Bah Humbug
$3.99 $2.99

Hill hates Christmas.

The shoppers. The cheer. The drama. All of it.

Each holiday season is a painful reminder that seven years before, his lover, Drew, walked out of his life and moved across the country, leaving Hill like a cup of rotten eggnog. Now Drew is back and wants Hill to put a little jingle in his bells. Well, not this Scrooge.

Drew admits he moved to get away from Hill—but not for the reasons Drew gave him all those years ago. Some of his best memories are of Christmases he celebrated with Hill, and he wants nothing more than to spend a little holly jolly with the only man he’s ever loved. However, getting Hill to agree to a reunion is going to take a Christmas miracle.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."


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$4.99 $3.74

Master Captain Theodore Gourdin has always loved the ocean. But his devotion to maritime life left little possibility for a long-term relationship. After two failed marriages, Theo gave up on finding the person who completed him and decided the sea was his soul mate. When offered the opportunity to captain the newly launched megayacht Eternity, Theo jumped at the chance. With Eternity’s maiden voyage looming, Theo focused all his energies on hiring his crew and readying his ship. The last thing he expected was to finally lose his heart in the process.

After twelve years at sea, First Officer Heath Rawlins was restless and in need of a change. A gay seaman’s life could be a lonely one, but to Heath the positives far outweighed the negatives. With excellent recommendations and an impressive résumé, he was quickly offered a position on the private megayacht Eternity. Heath’s heart skipped several beats when he finally met the ship’s captain. He was handsome and charming. And… familiar? Had they met somewhere before? Highly unlikely. But as smitten as Heath was with the gorgeous captain, everything inside him screamed, Abandon ship! Rough seas ahead!


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Family Ties and Family Lies

Rose and Thorne | Book Three
$5.99 $4.49

Rose and Thorne: Book Three

Secrets is a dirty word when it comes to relationships. What you don’t say can not only hurt you, it can bite you in the butt.

After almost five years together, Vinnie and Ethan have a policy of don’t ask, don’t tell. But unspoken questions between them are a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode. An innocent remark by a friend starts an insecure Vinnie wondering about things he never considered before… such as why he hasn’t met Ethan’s family. Is he the love of Ethan’s life or just his dirty little secret? And what hasn’t he told Ethan about his own past?

An emergency phone call from Ethan’s twin sister sends them rushing to Georgia. In order to be with Ethan, Vinnie conforms to what Ethan’s family expects by being something he is not. Not everything is what it seems as Vinnie and Ethan work to redefine what family means to each of them.

Sometimes the ties that bind are the ones that might just break you.

The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit for more information about this organization.


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Il tocco dell'amore

Serie Sensi e Sentimenti
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro della Serie Sensi e Sentimenti

Una  sera d’inverno, dopo aver appena staccato dal lavoro, il paramedico Jack Waters incappa in un edificio in fiamme e si appresta a fare il suo dovere. Il giorno dopo si risveglia in ospedale, coperto di gravi ustioni. Per un uomo che dà grande valore alla propria bellezza è un colpo devastante.

Ma Jack ha a malapena il tempo per assimilare quanto è accaduto. Accanto al suo letto ci sono il suo ex, il poliziotto Kevin Thompson, e Luke Kennard, il pompiere che gli ha salvato la vita. Entrambi sembrano determinati a competere per attirare la sua attenzione, ustioni o meno. Jack respinge Kevin, temendo che ora l’uomo non vorrà avere nulla a che fare con lui, e sembra vedere confermate le proprie paure quando questi se ne va senza obiettare. È il momento perfetto per il seducente e vivace Luke di iniziare a flirtare con Jack, appellandosi al suo ego fragile.

Quando in città scoppia una serie di nuovi incendi che prendono di mira il personale di soccorso, gli indizi puntano a qualcuno vicino a Jack. È sopravvissuto a un incendio, ma la prossima volta potrebbe non essere così fortunato. Sembra che qualcuno lo perseguiti, un nemico implacabile. Se non farà attenzione, il fuoco lo ridurrà in cenere… a meno che non sia l’amore di due uomini a farlo per primo.


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Timing: Nach Sonnenuntergang

Timing (Deutsch) | Buch 2
$5.99 $4.49

Buch 2 in der Serie - Timing

Zwei Jahre, nachdem Stefan Joss mit Ranchbesitzer Rand Holloway in den Sonnenuntergang geritten ist, hat er sich mit seinem neuen Leben angefreundet und unterrichtet an einem Community College. Aber wahre Liebe hat es oft schwer. Rand will, dass er auf der Ranch bleibt, Stef will sich ein Hintertürchen offenhalten, falls Rand ihn irgendwann rauswerfen sollte. Nachdem er endlich erkannt hat, dass er sich Rand gegenüber unfair verhält, legt Stef sich fest und sein Partner ist überglücklich.

Als Stef die Gelegenheit bekommt, seine Hingabe zu beweisen, zögert er nicht - auch wenn er dabei seinen Hals riskiert - und Rand nutzt die Gelegenheit, um allen zu zeigen, dass die besten Überraschungen des Lebens nach Sonnenuntergang passieren.


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$3.99 $2.99

Massage therapist Joe Wells is in a little over his head with his first job at the posh Magic Touch Sports Spa. He’s also secretly falling for his friendly, sexy coworker, the top-notch masseur Andre Swift. All the clients clamor for Andre, and so far none have taken to Joe.

On the verge of being fired, Joe saves the life of a mysterious kitten belonging to a white witch, who grants him a wish: a magic touch that could save his job and maybe even win him Andre’s love and respect. As Joe’s stock at the spa rises to crazy and barely manageable levels of success, demand for Andre’s services drops off. Will Joe lose Andre to an out-of-control spell? Or worse—Andre’s love might prove to be only a result of the magic, just like Joe’s sudden talent.


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$3.99 $2.99

When layoffs hit Jim LaRue’s company, his first concern isn’t for his own job, it’s for his friend and coworker, Tommy Graves. Tommy’s going through a bitter divorce, and he’s closing on a new home. Losing his job would mean losing the house—and the fresh start he desperately needs. Jim can’t let that happen to the man he’s secretly in love with, so he proposes a swap: his job for Tommy’s.

Now out of work, Jim reluctantly agrees to help Tommy remodel. He needs the income, but he can’t stand being a charity case—especially not when things between them start heading in a direction he hardly dared hope for. The strain drives a wedge between them, and a confrontation might spell the end of their relationship.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2010.


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Gestählt im Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 2
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Erlösung im Feuer
Buch 2 in der Serie - im Feuer

Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind schon seit ein paar Monaten ein Paar. Doch dann erhalten sie schlechte Neuigkeiten: Die Feuerwache, auf der sie beide arbeiten, soll geschlossen werden, wenn sie es nicht schaffen, genug Geld für die überfälligen Reparaturen zusammenzukratzen. Die Union-Feuerwehr will sich gemeinsam dagegen wehren. Es gibt nur ein Problem: Die einzige Idee, wie sie an Geld kommen können, ist von Lee. Und Dirk hasst sie.

Unglücklicherweise finden alle anderen Lees Idee von einem „Dinner mit Aussicht“ – bei dem sie nur in Helmen, Stiefeln und Uniformhosen servieren sollen – großartig, und Lee wirft sich in die Vorbereitungen. Doch Widerstand aus der Verwaltung und ein schleppender Vorverkauf bringen Lees Event in Gefahr. Solange es Dirk nicht schafft, seinen Stolz und seinen Eigensinn einen Abend lang unter Kontrolle zu bringen, könnte es ihn und Lee ihre Jobs kosten – von ihrer Beziehung ganz zu schweigen.


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