
$3.99 $2.99

Martin Graham built his business from the ground up with hard work and intuition. Due to a degenerative eye disease, he’s learned to rely on his other senses to feel out the competition. To realize his dream, he just needs to broker one last deal… and finally secure an assistant.

Brock Littleton is desperate for money—desperate enough take the job no one else wants: assistant to demanding, fussy, intensely private Mr. Graham.

Everything about Brock gets under Martin’s skin in ways he never expected, making him realize a successful business isn’t the only component to a happy future. But as Martin’s deal comes together, one of the prices could be the relationship with Brock that Martin is just starting to believe could be real.

Previously published in Boundless Love Anthology by Andrew Grey, 2018.


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$5.99 $4.49

Ian McVeigh è un seduttore felicemente single da anni, disinibito e apertamente gay, che non riesce a spiegarsi l’inaspettato desiderio e il sentimento di protezione che prova quando incontra David: rugbista, disoccupato e nuovo delizioso amante del suo capo. David Kelly è un mantenuto, e decisamente al di fuori della sua portata. È impossibile che un ragazzo così esigente e affascinante presti un briciolo di attenzione a un uomo come lui, con pochi mezzi per corteggiarlo.

Eppure, un giorno, David non solo lo guarda, ma lo tocca, lo stuzzica, e fa di tutto meno che invitare Ian a rubarlo al suo protettore. Ma David non può permettere a niente e a nessuno di abbattere i muri protettivi che ha costruito attorno a sé con tanta attenzione. Ian non sa molto del suo passato, e quello che non sa potrebbe nuocere a entrambi.

Ian sostiene che i trascorsi di David non abbiano importanza, ma quando lo vede con un ricco uomo maturo, pensa immediatamente al peggio. Dovranno entrambi imparare a essere onesti, se non vorranno restare da soli per sempre.


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$3.99 $2.99

What do you do when when your lover is out to kill you? 

After university, Johnny dated a mysterious and influential man who never disclosed his profession. Now, following a quarrel, Johnny suffers a series of attacks—attempts on his life that his lover has the power and influence to perpetrate. 

With nowhere else to turn, he must rely on his childhood best friend. But can Johnny trust him? With time running out and the world against him, Johnny must solve the mystery himself if he wants to survive.


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$5.99 $4.49

Parfois, les meilleurs moments de la vie sont ceux auxquels on s’attend le moins.

Joe Cohen a consacré les deux dernières années de sa vie à une seule chose : prendre soin de Kade Bosa. Kade est son colocataire, son meilleur ami, et ensemble, ils tiennent une agence de détectives privés. Même si leur relation n’est pas exactement celle dont il rêverait, Joe se refuse à forcer les choses. Kade a déjà suffisamment souffert, et Joe est son seul soutien.

Rejeté par sa famille, Joe connaît la peur de se retrouver seul au monde, mais il était loin d’imaginer qu’un jour son passé et celui de Kade entreraient en collision. Pourtant, l’affaire sur laquelle ils enquêtent les amène à découvrir des éléments qui pourraient bien mettre en péril leur relation, qu’elle soit privée ou professionnelle…


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$5.99 $4.49

Ian McVeigh, geoutet und ungehemmt, hat seit Jahren eine flüchtige Beziehung nach der anderen. Deshalb kann er die ungewohnten Gefühle nicht einordnen, die der arbeitslose Rugby Spieler David – das neueste und höchst verlockende Spielzeug seines Bosses – bei ihm auslöst: eine Mischung aus Begehren und Beschützerinstinkt. Aber David Kelly ist ein Callboy und ein paar Nummern zu groß für Ian. Der bezaubernde, aber geldgierige David würde sich nie mit einem Mann wie Ian abgeben, der nicht die Mittel hat, ihn zu umwerben.

Dennoch beachtet David Ian eines Tages nicht nur, er berührt ihn, flirtet mit ihm und fordert ihn geradezu auf, ihn seinem Gönner abspenstig zu machen. Aber David kann niemanden zu nahe an sich heranlassen. Ian weiß nicht viel über Davids Vergangenheit und das, was er nicht weiß, kann ihnen beiden schaden.

Ian sagt, dass Davids Vergangenheit keine Rolle spielt, aber als er David mit einem älteren Mann sieht, nimmt er sofort das Schlimmste an. Beide Männer müssen sich der Wahrheit stellen, um einander nicht endgültig zu verlieren.


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Sinders & Ash (Deutsch)

Eine Pennymaker Geschichte
$5.99 $4.49

Mark Sintorella (Sinders) arbeitet fleißig als Putzmann in einem Ferienhotel, während er heimlich Kleider entwirft und hofft, eines Tages auf eine Modeschule gehen zu können. Dann wird sein sorgfältig geplantes Leben durch die Ankunft von Ashton Armitage auf den Kopf gestellt. Ash ist der Sohn des fünftreichsten Mannes von Amerika – und der schönste Mann, den Mark jemals zu Gesicht bekommen hat. Ash muss eine Frau finden, um das Erbe seines Großvaters nicht zu verlieren. Er entscheidet sich für Bitsy Fanderel. Doch Ash ist insgeheim schwul und als er den jungen Mann sieht, der die Asche aus seinem Kamin fegt, fängt Ashs Herz Feuer.

Richtig in Gang gebracht wird die Sache schließlich durch Carstairs Pennymaker, einen Elf von einem Mann, der Mark überredet, sich als junge Frau zu verkleiden und seine eigenen Kreationen vorzuführen, um potenzielle Mode-Investoren zu beeindrucken, die in dem Hotel zu Gast sind. Als die Uhr Mitternacht schlägt, bewerben sich zwei wunderschöne junge Prinzessinnen um Ashs Hand – aber eine von ihnen ist keine Frau. Wird ihr der Schuh passen? Nur Mr Pennymaker weiß, wie dieses Märchen ausgeht.


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The Yuchae Blossom

World of Love | South Korea
$5.99 $4.49

Can two men find happiness in a country that doesn’t accept their love? 

When Jack Calloway is transferred to his firm’s South Korean branch on Jeju Island, he’s assigned a valet, the beautiful but shy Song Woo-bin. He stirs feelings Jack has rarely experienced for another man, but everything seems to be against them—Jack is older and Song Woo-bin’s supervisor. He is just beginning to understand the new culture surrounding him even as he accepts his own desires for the first time, and Song Woo-bin is closeted, inexperienced, and estranged from his family. Their path to each other is full of obstacles and societal disapproval. Will the two men eventually come together amid the clash and complement of Eastern and Western culture… and find a home among the yuchae blossoms?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


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$5.99 $4.49

Happiness might be waiting at the end of the rainbow, but will it come with a price?

Devon’s down on his luck—he’s lost his job and discovered his boyfriend is cheating on him. His neighbor, Johnny, is not only cute, he also has a big secret: he’s a leprechaun with a pot of gold… and the ability to grant wishes.

Can Devon wish his way out of the hole he’s found himself in? He’d like a new job, some revenge on his lying ex, and maybe even love. Johnny can give him what he wants, but it won’t come for free… or in the ways Devon expects. Can he trust a sexy leprechaun to help him make a new start and wish himself into the arms of the man of his dreams?


$5.99 $4.49
$5.99 $4.49

Small dogs can make big changes… if you open your heart.

Carter Embree always hoped someone might rescue him from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and he needs a little help.

Sandy Corrigan, the vet tech who eases Carter into the world of dog ownership, first assumes Carter is a crazy-pants client who just needs to relax. But as Sandy gets a glimpse of the funny, kind, sexy man under Carter’s mild-mannered exterior, he sees that with a little care and feeding, Carter might be “Super Pet Owner”—and decent boyfriend material to boot.

But Carter needs to see himself as a hero first. As he says goodbye to his pristine house and hello to carpet treatments and dog walkers, he finds there really is more to himself than a researching drudge without a backbone. A Carter Embree can rate a Sandy Corrigan. He can be supportive. He can be a man who stands up for his principles!

He can be the owner of a small dog.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Riptide Publishing, November 2016


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The Truth Beyond the Bitterness

World of Love | Czech Republic
$3.99 $2.99

Can love erase a lifetime of fear and bitterness?

Kuba flees the oppressive influence of his strict Catholic family as soon as he graduates high school. In the big city of Pilsen, Czech Republic, he can get a fresh start. Although he is fairly content sharing a flat with his coworker and filling it with books, he knows he’s destined to be alone unless he can come out of the closet. But he just isn’t ready to bare his soul to the world.

When he meets his roommate’s friend Emil, he begins to reconsider. Is a chance at romance with the gorgeous man—and fellow bibliophile—incentive enough for Kuba to face his demons?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


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Amors Pfeile

Verliebte Anwälte
$3.99 $2.99

Die erfolgreichen Anwälte Dane Coulter und Cal Monroe sind Rivalen im Gerichtssaal und Freunde hinter den Kulissen. Doch können sie mehr sein?

Cal hat immer heimlich nach Dane geschmachtet. Allerdings verdrängt Dane seine Homosexualität so sehr, dass er nicht mal zugeben kann, dass er möglicherweise schwul ist. Sein Vater, ein fanatischer Homophober, regiert die Familie mit eiserner Hand und drängt Dane zu einer Verlobung – mit einer Frau. Um seine Mutter zu schützen, stimmt Dane zu. Für Cal bringt die Sache jedoch das Fass zum Überlaufen.

Er kann nicht zulassen, dass Dane einen Fehler macht, der sein gesamtes restliches Leben ruiniert und kennt nur einen todsicheren Weg, damit Dane sich eingesteht, wie es in seinem Herzen aussieht. Seinem Freund seine Gefühle zu offenbaren, könnte jedoch nach hinten losgehen und einen Keil zwischen sie treiben. Und selbst dann ist es Dane, der die Entscheidung treffen muss: Das Leben zu leben, das sein Vater von ihm erwartet oder alles, was er hat, für die Chance auf Glück in Cals Armen aufzugeben.


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$3.99 $2.99

Avvocati innamorati

Gli avvocati di successo Dane Coulter e Cal Monroe sono rivali in tribunale e amici nella vita privata. Ma potrebbero essere qualcosa di più?

Cal ha da sempre una cotta per Dane, che però non è dichiarato e fatica persino ad ammettere di essere gay. Suo padre, un omofobo violento che controlla la famiglia con il pugno di ferro, obbliga Dane a fidanzarsi con una donna. Lui acconsente per mantenere la quiete e proteggere la madre, ma per Cal è la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso.

Non può permettere che l’amico faccia un errore che potrebbe rovinargli la vita, e solo lui conosce un modo infallibile per fargli ammettere cosa si cela nel suo cuore. Ma confessare i propri sentimenti gli si potrebbe ritorcere contro, incrinando in modo irreparabile il loro rapporto. Toccherà comunque a Dane scegliere se vivere la vita che vuole suo padre oppure rinunciare a tutto quello che ha per essere felice tra le braccia di Cal.


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$3.99 $2.99

Avocats amoureux

Les célèbres avocats Dane Coulter et Cal Monroe sont rivaux au tribunal et amis en coulisses. Mais pourront-ils être davantage ?

Cal en a toujours pincé pour Dane, mais celui-ci est si profondément dans le placard qu’il ne peut même pas admettre la possibilité d’être gay. Son père, un homophobe enragé qui dirige sa famille d’une main de fer, force Dane à se fiancer… à une femme. Dane entre dans son jeu pour maintenir la paix et protéger sa mère, mais pour Cal, c’est la goutte qui fait déborder le vase.

Il ne peut pas laisser Dane commettre une erreur qui pourrait gâcher le reste de sa vie et il ne connaît qu’un seul moyen infaillible de lui faire admettre ce qui se trouve dans son cœur. Mais déclarer ses sentiments à son ami pourrait mal tourner, creusant un fossé entre eux. Et même ainsi, le choix doit venir de Dane : vivre la vie que son père désire ou abandonner tout ce qu’il a pour avoir une chance de bonheur dans les bras de Cal.


$3.99 $2.99

Beneath These Fields

World of Love | Brazil
$5.99 $4.49

Sometimes true worth is well hidden.

Ellis Campos is a successful divorce lawyer with little to no time for a personal life. His predictable routine is disrupted when he inherits a coffee farm from an estranged aunt. There’s no room in his life for all the complications that come with managing a farm in another state. But his plans to quickly sell it and go back to the big city fall apart when he’s manipulated into spending a week on the estate.

Adding to the unexpected surprises, he meets Rudá, a native Brazilian who works on the farm, and while teaching him about his aunt’s home and family, also tempts Ellis like no one ever has.

He doesn’t expect his life to change in such a short time, but as he finds value and comfort in the farm’s routine, Ellis quickly realizes that, like the land itself, Rudá has secrets that could send him running back to Rio.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$5.99 $4.49

Love You So Special

The Love You So Stories

A Love You So Story

Can a man’s secret yearnings be revealed in a tank full of fish?

Artie Haynes knows he’s nothing special, with just-your-regular-brown hair, a solid plumber’s job, not much education, and a family that can barely get off the couch. But Artie has quirks—like his love of tropical fish, a landlord who’s a professor of existentialism, a passion for the amazing piano music he hears at a concert hall while he’s fixing the bathrooms—and the fact that he’s never come out as gay and probably never will. But when he’s hired to build a guesthouse for the pianist whose music enchanted him, Artie is swept up into an unimaginable world.

François Desmarais may be famous, rich, and revered as one of the world’s great classical composers and pianists, but he’s soothed and challenged by the inquisitive, stalwart, protective man in his back yard. When François’s terrible fear of crowds turns into a dangerous plot, Artie can stay in the closet or prove just how special he is.


Place Setting

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Cameron Dunlop has lived in the Lowcountry town of Summer Corners, South Carolina, his whole life. He loves his home, but his little town in the Deep South doesn’t offer much in the way of dating options.

Chef Gray Callahan has enjoyed success in the kitchen, but his last relationship sunk like a bad soufflé. When plans for his sister’s wedding go awry, it provides the perfect excuse to pack up and go home, where he can help out as he decides how to start his life over.

Gray’s path crosses Cameron’s, and he realizes together they might have all the ingredients to save the day—with maybe enough left over for something sweet just for the two of them.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99

Boules de feu

La balle au bond
$4.99 $3.74

La balle au bond, numéro hors série

Rodney Mansfield est un artiste renommé et un homme d’un mètre soixante-sept, ceinture noire de karaté, qui affiche des cheveux roses, six boucles d’oreilles, et cache un désir inavoué pour Hunter Fallon, un pompier local. Cependant, le Nain de jardin, comme on l’appelle, sait que jamais il ne parviendrait à charmer cet homme gay aux allures d’hétéro, alors il rassemble tout son altruisme et aide Jerry, son ami plus viril, à l’attirer. Comme si son cœur brisé ne suffisait pas, il sauve Hunter d’un homophobe de sa caserne, l’humiliant ainsi devant son père !

Hunter vit une vie de rêve – celui de son père, justement. Alors qu’il aimerait enseigner la littérature à la faculté, lire des poèmes sous le soleil ou se trouver un homme fort pour le dominer, il lutte contre les incendies pour faire plaisir à son géniteur. Hunter déteste les hommes extravagants comme Rodney. Pourtant, pourquoi n’arrive-t-il pas à lui résister ? Peut-être est-il temps d’avouer que cette flamme-là, il ne souhaite pas l’éteindre.


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$4.99 $3.74

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Seventeen-year-old orphan Jayla lives in NORCC, or the New Orleans Rehabilitation Center for Children, where all the children of morphoid-addicted Addis go to wait for a clean family to adopt them. When Jayla’s long-lost sister, Jo, arrives from the dome where the Addis are kept and tells her about the Authority’s plan to gas all the domes across the country, Jayla decides that she’s been in NORCC long enough.

With the help of her NORCC crew of girls, including her almost-girlfriend, Arla, and a new love interest, Riley, Jayla must take down the Authority while discovering powers she never knew she had. Unfortunately, the plot to kill the Addis is not the only secret their leaders are keeping. Jayla must fight both the Authority and her own demons in order to stop the annihilation of her people. 


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