The Pauper Prince

By Sui Lynn

The Pauper Prince
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 200
  • ISBN-13 978-1-62380-867-9
  • SKU 3966
  • File Formats epub, mobi, pdf, zip
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Changing Moon: Book One

Andrew Reed is smart and educated, but as long as his people are enslaved to the vampires, his options are limited. When he discovers a strange young man in his family’s barn, he shifts forms and trails the thief, trying to decipher why he smells familiar with a hint of something more. Excited by what he discovers, he reveals himself to Lance, and they return to Lance's camp in the forest.

When Andrew's family takes it on themselves to “help” by investigating Lance’s past, Andrew finds something neither of them could have imagined. If they band together, they have a chance to win their freedom—and a brighter future for all the races.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2012.

Cover Artist: L.C. Chase


Genres Gay / Paranormal Romance