The Vanguard’s Gift

By Eon de Beaumont

The Vanguard’s Gift
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  • Release Date
  • Type Short Stories
  • Pages 53
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61372-305-0
  • SKU 2621
  • File Formats epub, pdf, zip
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Crispus Birchmount takes his responsibility to guard the gateway to the elven kingdom of Ashdale very seriously. But while the post itself is an honor, Crispus hates the human world—especially during the humans’ Christmas season when his elven ancestry is made into a mockery for the benefit of children! When he’s assigned to protect a young human, not even an altercation with a mall Santa can stop Crispus from locating Michel LeVandre, a unique man who awakens desires within Crispus he thought were long dead. The new distraction proves disastrous when enemy forces conspire to take the gate, but now Crispus has a human he really cares about and a renewed lust for life, and he’ll use the vanguard’s gift to defend Michel, the gate, and maybe the world.

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Advent Calendar

Genres Fantasy Romance / Gay / Holiday Romance