Two for Trust

By Elle Brownlee

Two for Trust
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 67,537
  • Pages 252
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63533-153-0
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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A fairy-tale vacation—if he can get the ending right. 

American nurse Finch Mason steps beyond the comfort of his orderly life and takes a dream trip to England, complete with a National Trust Pass so he can visit numerous historical sites. At the first one on his list, he’s warmly welcomed—and told he bought a pass good for two. 

Finch doesn’t hesitate to offer the pass to Benedict, a handsome Brit also there on an outing. They spend a magical week touring the countryside, and while it’s too soon to get attached, Finch wishes their time together would never end. 

Then Finch finds himself stuck abroad with no money, and he has no one to turn to but Benedict. Benedict is happy to help, but he also owes Finch some answers—such as who he really is and why he was at the estate where they first met.

Cover Artist: Bree Archer

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Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay