Western Romance books

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Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors série

Tim Conroy a de la patience. Depuis trois ans, il attend que son ami Rory McCown sorte de prison, après une condamnation pour un vol de chevaux commis au ranch Blue River. Rory serait susceptible de bénéficier d’une libération anticipée, mais à condition d’avoir un poste stable et un endroit où loger. Aussitôt, Tim se donne pour objectif de convaincre son ami et patron, le rancher Hunter Krause, d’offrir à Rory une deuxième chance.

Quand Hunter accepte, Tim le regrette presque : Rory a changé. À certains moments, il se montre morose et renfermé, à d’autres, arrogant et trop présomptueux. Pourtant, l’attraction est toujours aussi forte entre eux. Malheureusement, dès qu’ils commencent à se rapprocher, un ennemi acharné œuvre dans l’ombre, prêt aux plus sombres machinations pour les séparer…

Leur relation encore fragile sera-t-elle assez forte pour résister aux tempêtes à venir ?


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$6.99 $5.24

William Drake führt ein ganz normales Leben – er hat einen Job, einen Hund und ein Haus am Lake Superior – bis ein panischer Anruf seiner nichtsnutzigen Schwester Katrina, die ihn um Hilfe bittet, sein ganzes Leben aus der Bahn wirft. Und wie um zu beweisen, dass jede gute Tat im Leben belohnt wird, wird Wills Ankunft auf der Ranch von Katrinas Verlobtem Martin in Montana von einem geplatzten Reifen begleitet. Will erhält Hilfe von einem großen, gutaussehenden und geheimnisvollen Samariter, der sich wenig später als Elijah Hunter herausstellt, Martins Bruder, und der am meisten verwirrende, beunruhigende Mann, den Will je getroffen hat.

Elijahs kochende Wut über Katrinas schändliche Pläne erstreckt sich auch auf Will, und er verlangt, dass Will so lange auf der Ranch bleibt, bis die Angelegenheit geklärt ist. Will kann zwar Katrinas Platz einnehmen, aber Elijah macht es ihm nicht leicht und stellt Will bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit auf die Probe. Doch dann gelingt es Will, Elijahs Ansprüche mit seinen kompromisslosen Moralvorstellungen noch zu übertreffen.

Die gegenseitige Anziehungskraft zwischen den beiden Männern wächst, wird aber durch ein Ultimatum Elijahs kompliziert: Er will, dass Katrina den Ehevertrag einhält – es sei denn, Will stimmt zu, Elijah zu heiraten.


$6.99 $5.24

Una prateria per sé

Storie della prateria
$6.99 $5.24

Storie della prateria: Libro 5

Marty Green ama solo due cose: i cavalli e il basket. Un ictus durante il primo anno di università gli mette però i bastoni fra le ruote. Dopo mesi in ospedale, trascorsi a guarire sotto l’ala dei suoi genitori iperprotettivi, Marty si rende conto di avere bisogno di stare da solo. Quando un buon amico del suo medico gli offre un lavoro nel suo ranch, lui accetta con gioia.

Quando l’assistente veterinario Quinn Knepper vede Marty, il suo cuore manca un battito. È un colpo di fulmine. Anche Marty sembra interessato a lui, per quanto sia timido. Ci sono solo due problemi: il padre di Quinn vuole che lui tenga nascosta la propria sessualità e quello di Marty è un senatore omofobo che non sa che suo figlio è gay, cosa di cui Quinn viene a conoscenza quando l’uomo propone un emendamento costituzionale che proibisce il matrimonio omosessuale.

Due famiglie ostili sono un grande ostacolo, ma Quinn è intenzionato a costruire qualcosa di serio. Purtroppo, questo significa mettere in pausa la propria vita mentre Marty cerca di superare il proprio blocco emotivo, salvo che, naturalmente, non decida di sacrificare la propria felicità in nome dell’ambizione politica di suo padre e termini la loro relazione prima ancora che abbia inizio.


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Saving Faithless Creek

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Blair Montague is sent to Newton, Montana, to purchase a ranch and some land for his father. It’s a trip he doesn't want to make. But his father paid for his college education in exchange for Blair working for him in his casinos, so Blair has no choice. When he finds out he’ll be dealing with Royal Masters, the man who bullied him in high school, he is shocked. Then Blair is surprised when he finds that Royal’s time in the Marines has changed him to the point where Blair could be attracted to him… if he’s willing to take that chance.

Royal’s life hasn’t been a bed of roses. He saw combat in the military that left him scarred, and not just on the outside. When he inherits his father’s ranch, he discovers his father wasn't a good manager and the ranch is in trouble. The sale of land would put them back on good footing, but he is suspicious of Blair’s father’s motives, and with good reason. The attraction between them is hard for either to ignore, but it could all evaporate once the land deal is sealed.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Conquer the Flames
Lang Downs: Book Five

Seth Simms never wanted to be a cowboy, although to listen to his best friend, Jason Thompson, tell it, he isn’t one. He just happens to have lucked out in coming to live on Lang Downs with his brother ten years ago. He found enough stability to finish high school and go off to university, but he never really believed Lang Downs would be the same haven for him that it had become for so many others. He’s too messed up in the head. No one would accept someone with his issues.

All his life, Jason has had one goal: to come home to Lang Downs as resident veterinarian when they need his skills and jackaroo when they don’t. And it means he gets to spend time with Seth during his occasional visits, even though his dream of going from friends to lovers is hopeless since Seth is straight.

When Seth unexpectedly comes home to stay, Jason takes it as the boon it is. But juggling a relationship with another jackaroo and his friendship with Seth isn’t easy, and that’s before Jason realizes how deep Seth’s issues run and how dangerously Seth chooses to cope with them.


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Dein Stern am Himmel

Lang Downs (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Lang Downs

Caine Neiheisel steckt nicht nur in seinem Job in einer Sackgasse fest, sondern auch in seiner Beziehung, als die Chance seines Lebens in seinen Schoß fällt: Seine Mutter hat die Schafstation ihres Onkels in New South Wales, Australien, geerbt, und Caine sieht es als die Chance auf einen Neuanfang, draußen auf einer Ranch, wo sein Stottern ihn nicht zurückhalten und sein Wille zu arbeiten seine Unerfahrenheit wettmachen würde.

Unglücklicherweise wechselt Macklin Armstrong, der Vorarbeiter von Lang Downs, der eigentlich Caines größter Verbündeter sein sollte, zwischen kühlem und völlig abweisendem Verhalten, und die anderen Arbeiter sind eher über Caines Stottern amüsiert, als durch seine Entschlossenheit beeindruckt … Zumindest, bis sie herausfinden, dass er schwul ist und ihre Belustigung sich in Zorn verwandelt. Es wird Caines ganze Entschlossenheit – und einen Sabotageakt eines feindlich gesinnten Nachbarn – brauchen, um die Männer von Lang Downs zu vereinen und Caine und Macklin eine Chance auf Liebe zu geben.


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Per una giusta causa

Una buona causa
$6.99 $5.24

Una storia della serie Una buona causa

Jerry Lincoln ha un problema: il suo lavoro di consulente informatico a Sioux Falls è troppo per una persona sola. Fortunatamente, questo significa che può permettersi di assumere dei dipendenti. Jerry spera solo che il suo nuovo assunto, John Black Raven, sia più un aiuto che una distrazione, però è questo l’effetto che gli fanno i suoi occhi scuri e i suoi capelli lunghi.

John è venuto in città per studiare e per cercare quella vita che non potrebbe avere nella riserva indiana, ma la cosa più importante per lui è trovare e mantenere un posto di lavoro. Sei mesi fa, sua sorella è morta e i suoi nipoti sono stati dati in affidamento. Pur avendo la legge dalla sua parte, John non riesce a ottenerne la custodia: non può neppure vederli.

Quando Jerry e John cominciano ad avvicinarsi, John scopre di non essere da solo nella sua lotta. Jerry lo aiuta a ottenere il diritto di far visita ai bambini e gli sta accanto quando lui ne ha bisogno. Ma anche se vincono qualche battaglia, è difficile vincere la guerra: i servizi sociali sono coinvolti in un giro di denaro, politica e favoritismi, e i bambini nativi sono il loro pane quotidiano. Ma John e Jerry hanno tutta l’intenzione di combattere per una giusta causa e di vincere – su tutti i fronti.


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Entre ciel et terre

Nuages et Pluie
$6.99 $5.24

Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors série

Hunter Krause sait mieux que personne que gérer un ranch demande beaucoup de travail. Les bons employés sont difficiles à trouver. Hunter a beau avoir un régisseur efficace et une grande famille prête à l’épauler, le ranch est constamment à court de main-d’œuvre. De plus, des poulains se mettent à disparaître mystérieusement et son beau-frère décide d’embaucher un homme que Hunter aurait préféré ne jamais revoir : Grant. Hunter ne peut pas lui pardonner d’avoir abandonné meilleur ami, Gabe, le propriétaire du ranch voisin, après un grave accident qui l’a laissé handicapé.

Grant Jarreau s’adapte rapidement à la vie du ranch, il se rend indispensable et s’entend bien avec Izzie, la sœur de Hunter. Quant à Hunter, malgré ses idées préconçues, il ne peut contrôler ses réactions physiques en présence du beau cowboy. Quand celui-ci sauve son jeune neveu de la noyade, les deux hommes échangent un baiser qui ouvre pour Hunter un monde nouveau et des perspectives dont il ignorait l’existence.

Pendant que Hunter et Grant entament une relation secrète, la famille se déchire et le ranch est en difficulté, parce que personne n’arrive à comprendre ce qui arrive aux chevaux. Pour couronner le tout, Grant cache un lourd secret.

Hunter apprendra-t-il à faire confiance à Grant ou bien l’orage familial fera-t-il une autre victime ?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain Serie

Tim Conroy ist es gewohnt, geduldig zu sein. Er hat drei Jahre darauf gewartet, dass Rory McCown aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wird, nachdem er auf der Blue River Ranch Pferde gestohlen hatte. Doch nun, da Rory auf Bewährung entlassen wird, macht Tim es sich zur Aufgabe, seinen Chef Hunter Krause davon zu überzeugen, Rory eine zweite Chance zu geben.

Er bedauert es fast, als Hunter seinem Vorschlag zustimmt, denn Rory ist in einem Moment ein schlecht gelaunter Einzelgänger, nur um sich im nächsten arrogant und unnahbar zu geben. Die beiden fühlen sich trotzdem zueinander hingezogen, doch als sie sich endlich näherkommen, taucht ein alter Feind auf, um Unfrieden zu stiften. Wird ihre Beziehung stark genug sein, diesen Sturm zu überstehen?


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$6.99 $1.11

Sequel to Before the Final Encore

When hunky aspiring country singer Billy Eagan heads to Nashville in search of his big break, a relationship and love are the furthest things from his mind. Taking a foreman's job at the Lazy H ranch and not knowing how he will be accepted, Billy decides to fly under the radar and stay as closeted as he can without denying who he really is. It's immediately confirmed that he made the right decision when he discovers homophobia is still alive and well in Tennessee.

Then Billy gets his break and meets gorgeous record label executive Ian Dillon. Their worlds collide both professionally and personally, and Billy falls hard. But Ian is still haunted by the mysterious betrayal of his one and only lover, and knowing Billy possesses the power to emotionally destroy him, Ian decides to cut his losses and simply walk away. Determined not to give up on the man he loves, Billy secretly starts to unravel the past and quickly finds that it's not what it appears. Can Billy rescue Ian’s heart, or will bigotry and hatred win over love?

2nd Edition


$6.99 $1.11
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie inherited one of the last pieces of farmland in suburban Baltimore. It has been in his family since Maryland was a colony, though it has lain fallow for years. Selling it for development would be easy, but Brighton wants to honor his grandfather's wishes and work it again. Unfortunately, an accident left him relying on a cane, so he’ll need help. Tanner Houghton used to work on a ranch in Montana until a vengeful ex got him fired because of his sexuality. He comes to Maryland at the invitation of his cousin and is thrilled to have a chance to get back to the kind of work he loves.

Brighton is instantly drawn to the intensely handsome and huge Tanner—he’s everything Brighton likes in a man, though he holds back because Tanner is an employee, and because he can’t understand why a man as virile as Tanner would be interested in him. But that isn’t the worst of their problems. They have to face the machinations of Brighton's aunt, Tanner’s ex suddenly wanting him back, and the need to find a way to make the farm financially viable before they lose Brighton’s family legacy.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Kaden James verbirgt seine quälende Vergangenheit und einen mit Narben übersäten Körper, was es ihm nicht leicht macht, einen Job zu behalten. Das Blatt wendet sich für ihn endlich zum Guten, als er Arbeit als Koch auf einer Ranch in Montana findet, wo er dem verboten gutaussehenden Logan Michaels begegnet. Logan ist anders als alle Männer, die Kaden je getroffen hat, und ehe er es sich versieht, ist er auf dem Weg, sich in den großen Cowboy zu verlieben.

Aber Kadens Albträume lassen sich nicht so leicht bannen – und er hat nicht nur Angst vor seinem eigenen Schatten, sondern muss ein Leben voller Missbrauch, schrecklichen Erinnerungen und seine Sucht nach Selbstverletzung bewältigen. Kann Logans zärtliche Berührung Kaden helfen, zu heilen?


$6.99 $5.24

After the Sunset

Timing | Book Two

Timing: Book Two

Two years after riding off into the sunset with ranch owner Rand Holloway, Stefan Joss has made a tentative peace with his new life, teaching at a community college. But the course of true love never does run smooth. Rand wants him home on the ranch; Stef wants an exit strategy in case Rand ever decides to throw him out. Finally, after recognizing how unfair he's being, Stef makes a commitment, and Rand is over the moon.

When Stef gets the chance to prove his devotion, he doesn’t hesitate—despite the risk to his health—and Rand takes the opportunity to show everyone that sometimes life’s best surprises come after the sunset.


Dopo il tramonto

Tempo al tempo | Libro 2
$5.99 $4.49

Tempo al tempo, Libro 2

Sono passati due anni da quando Stefan Joss si è trasferito nel sud degli Stati Uniti per amore del rancher Rand Holloway. Stef ha cercato – con esitazione – di adeguarsi alla sua nuova vita, ma il vero amore non fila mai liscio come dovrebbe. Rand vuole che lui rimanga a casa al ranch, Stef vuole avere una rete di sicurezza nel caso Rand decida di sbarazzarsi di lui. Finalmente, dopo aver capito di essere stato ingiusto a dubitare di lui, Stef decide di impegnarsi sul serio con Rand e l’uomo è al settimo cielo.

Quando Stef ha l’opportunità di provare il suo amore, non si tira indietro, mettendo a repentaglio la sua stessa vita. E Rand ha la possibilità di dimostrare che – a volte – la vita può sorprenderti quando meno te lo aspetti.


$5.99 $4.49

A Chaotic Range

Stories from the Range | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Stories from the Range: Book Seven

Most of the time ranchhand David rescues stray cattle, but this time he and his fellow cowboys Wally and Haven save a stranded motorist. David is surprised to find his former high school classmate nearly frozen in his car. After learning that Brian Applewright's boss fired him from his ranch for being gay, they invite him back to theirs to take a job.

David and Brian moved in different social circles at school, but working together brings them closer. However, David has a rocky history on the ranch. The foreman is his ex, and he only recently returned after a heartbreakingly unsuccessful attempt to find greener pastures. He can't risk his heart getting close to anyone.

But on a ranch, nature has a way of forcing an issue. When a snowstorm threatens, David and Brian head out to mend a fence and round up some stray cattle. David gets injured, and they must survive in the snow, cold, and wind. It might be the start of a relationship... or the end of their lives.


$6.99 $5.24

Dingo Run

Bushrangers | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Walkabout
Bushrangers: Book Three
A novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya Universe

New South Wales, Australia, 1876. As captured outlaws, Jim Kelly and Mark Turner face the gallows. Help comes from an unexpected quarter, but their hasty escape goes wrong and now Jim's life hangs by a thread. Mark is driven by desperation to form an alliance with an infamous bushranger who may hold clues to his mysterious past. But as Jim and Mark’s relationship intensifies, it is also tested. Their secret is discovered, tempers fray, and jealousy flares.


$3.99 $2.99

Timing: Der richtige Zeitpunkt

Timing (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Timing

Stefan Joss hat einfach kein Glück. Nicht nur, dass er mitten im Sommer nach Texas muss, um bei der Hochzeit seiner besten Freundin Charlotte die Ehrenjungfer zu geben. Nein, er soll auch noch gleichzeitig ein millionenschweres Geschäft für seine Firma abschließen! Das Allerschlimmste aber ist, dass er, kaum angekommen, mit dem Mann konfrontiert wird, von dem Charlotte versprochen hatte, dass er nicht zur Hochzeit kommen würde: Ihrem Bruder, Rand Holloway.

Stefan und Rand sind sich, seit dem Tag, an dem sie sich das erste Mal trafen, spinnefeind. Und so ist Stefan mehr als geschockt, als ein vorübergehend vereinbarter Waffenstillstand die üblichen Feindseligkeiten sofort in knisternde Spannung verwandelt. Wenn auch misstrauisch gegenüber den unerwarteten Gefühlen, wird Stefan durch ein ehrliches Geständnis Rands aus der Bahn geworfen und beschließt, ihm eine Chance zu geben.

Doch ihre aufkeimende Romanze wird bedroht, als Stefans Geschäftsabschluss schiefläuft: Die Besitzerin der letzten Ranch, die er für seine Firma aufkaufen soll, wird ermordet. Stefan steht die Überraschung seines Lebens bevor, als er sich plötzlich selbst in tödlicher Gefahr befindet. 


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Novel in the Delectable Series

Cordon Bleu-trained chef Riley Emerson arrives in Aspen, Colorado for a summer at the best restaurant in town, only to discover his jerk of a boyfriend has dumped him, leaving his heart and his plans in tatters. Doubting himself and longing for a change of pace, he takes a low-paying position at the Rocking Z guest ranch, though he expects nature up close and personal won’t hold a candle to his exciting Paris lifestyle.

When born-and-bred cattle rancher Colby Zane spots a newcomer being pawed at by a passel of horny cowboys at Aspen’s Club Rawhide, he rushes in, throws the guy over his shoulder, and rescues him. Sober, Riley Emerson is sweet and sexy, but not interested in more than a one-night stand. Still, Colby’s over the moon when Riley later arrives as the new cook on his family’s ranch.

But all’s not well at the Rocking Z. Unsurmountable financial problems force them to seek a cash infusion from outside investor Fitz Wellington. Fitz is hot for Colby, and he won’t sign on the dotted line without some very personal incentives. The future of the ranch is at stake, and Colby’s just that desperate, but saving the Z might mean losing Riley.


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