Robert Halliwell

Robert Halliwell hails from the mysterious land of Ronkonkoma in the Island of Long and grew up dreaming of the day the dark, handsome Mediterranean prince of his dreams would whisk him away from the boring life he was accustomed to and to a land far, far away… from his mother. A magical place full of roller skates and rainbows called Xanadu. Unfortunately, that never happened, but he was instead whisked away to the dark kingdom of Florida and the “prince” turned out to be a very pale country bumpkin from Schenectady. Yes, it’s a real place. When he’s not spending the day writing, Robert can be found at home taking care of his two-legged daughter and four-legged furry children whilst viewing unhealthy amounts of QVC, much to the dismay of his husband, Kevin. 

Robert is still waiting for Lynda Carter to sign the adoption papers he sent her in 1998.