Contemporary Romance books


Sweet Anticipation

2019 Advent Calendar | Homemade for the Holidays
$3.99 $2.99

Greg Hansen’s pregnant sister is on bed rest, so it falls to Greg to finalize the arrangements for her best friend’s bachelorette party. Little does he know he’s in for a sweet surprise. When he arrives at the bakery recommended to him, he comes face to face with the man he never should’ve let get away—Rhys Denning.

Rhys’s business is booming with the holidays approaching, so he can’t agree to cater the party without help—and that means Greg getting his hands dirty in the kitchen, where the two reconnect over sugar, spice, holiday goodies of all kinds, and even some penis-shaped baguettes! But the most satisfying treat might be the second chance they never thought they’d get.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2019 Advent Calendar "Homemade for the Holidays."


$3.99 $2.99


Heartward | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

He doesn’t know that home is where his heart will be….

Firefighter Tyler Banik has seen his share of adventure while working disaster relief with the Red Cross. But now that  he’s adopted Abey, he’s ready to leave the danger behind and put down roots. That means returning to his hometown—where the last thing he anticipates is falling for his high school nemesis.

Alan Pettaprin isn’t the boy he used to be.  As a business owner and council member, he’s working hard to improve life in Scottville for everyone. Nobody is more surprised than Alan when Tyler returns, but he’s glad. For him, it’s a chance to set things right. Little does he guess he and Tyler will  find the missing pieces of themselves in each other. Old rivalries are left in the ashes, passion burns bright, and the possibility for a future together stretches in front of them….

But not everyone in town is glad to see Tyler return….


$6.99 $5.24

A Christmas Cabin for Two

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A match as perfect as cold nights and cozy fireside heat. 

Gentle giant Matt Haskell and urbane teacher Mikah Cerullo are as opposite as the Teton Mountains and downtown Manhattan.  

Hardworking organic farmer Matt has little time to think about love, but when Mikah, a sexy and snarky New Yorker, arrives at his farm to buy a Christmas tree for the family’s Jackson Hole mansion, the attraction is immediate for both of them, and they agree to share a cozy cabin in the Idaho woods. The clock is ticking on their holiday fling, since Mikah is due to take a teaching position back in the city, but as the holiday magic envelops them, they wonder if their budding romance might withstand their differences.


$4.99 $3.74

Grand, ténébreux et sans visa

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Traverser la frontière de l'amour.

Décisions hâtives sur idées malencontreuses rapprochent le Portugais Mateus Fontes et l'homme d'affaires Crawford Hargrave au poste de frontière canadien.

Mateus se retrouve dans une impasse. Avec un permis de tourisme qui expire sous peu, son entrée au Canada lui est refusée et on rejette sa demande pour repasser la frontière des États-Unis. En inventant de toute pièce leurs prétendues fiançailles, Crawford pense avoir réglé le problème, et cela fonctionne, jusqu’à ce qu’ils apprennent qu’ils doivent réellement se marier avant de pouvoir rentrer aux États-Unis. Mais Crawford s’est déjà fait avoir une fois par le mariage et il est déterminé à ne pas reproduire la même erreur.

Aucun d’entre eux ne s’attend à ce que de réels sentiments naissent de ce mariage blanc, et c’est pourtant ce qui est sur le point d’arriver. Ils devront apprendre à être honnêtes l’un envers l’autre s’ils espèrent que cela fonctionne entre eux, chose particulièrement difficile lorsque leur mariage entier est basé sur des mensonges.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When the pickiest eater in America is tapped to judge a cooking competition along with his chef ex-boyfriend, will it be a recipe for a second chance… or disaster?

Luke Walker’s humor about foods he can’t stand made him an internet celebrity and his blog, The Pickiest Eater in America, a huge hit. He plans to bring that same lighthearted comedy to the show—but he won’t be the only host.

Meyer Thibodeaux might be a famous chef, but he’s solemn, uptight, and closeted. He’s also  Luke's ex. As different as they are, the sparks between Luke and Meyer never really went out, and as they work together, each begins to see the other in a new light, and the passion between them reignites, hot as ever. But secrets, gossip, and rumors on the set could sour their reunion.


$6.99 $5.24

Drawing the Prince

Stars from Peril
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A Stars from Peril Novel

Painting themselves a life together will be a royal ordeal.

Small-town boy Cal Walters doesn’t know whether he owes his phenomenal success as an artist to talent or to his connections to famous people. Doubt leaves him secluded—until a lost bet lands him on yet another blind date. But this one is different.

To Teofilo Vabriga-Kastav, playboy prince of the tiny nation of Porvunia and passionate art lover, Cal’s paintings are as intriguing as Cal himself. When Teo invites Cal to his country for an art competition, a whirlwind romance sweeps them up. But it can’t last—loyalties and obligations bind them to lives that are worlds apart.

Cal and Teo might’ve found their perfect complements in each other, but to hold on to their happiness, they’ll have to get creative.


$4.99 $3.74

L' amico del dottore

Copper Point Medical (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Il segreto del dottore
Copper Point Medical: Libro Due

Il  peggior partito dell’ospedale e il freddo direttore del personale si odiano… e allora perché fingono di stare insieme?

Il dottor Owen Gagnon e il direttore delle Risorse Umane, Erin Andreas, sono noti per i loro scontri accesi in corsia. Non è quindi difficile immaginare la sorpresa della città quando Erin offre un’ingente somma di denaro per vincere un appuntamento con Owen all’asta degli scapoli dell’ospedale… e il dottore dal canto suo alza la posta in gioco insistendo che Erin si trasferisca da lui.

Copper Point non avrà idea di cosa stia succedendo, ma nemmeno Erin e Owen ne sono tanto sicuri. Il gesto di Erin voleva essere un modo per esprimere interesse nei confronti del dottore, ma Owen sospetta un secondo fine: crede che Erin voglia approfittare di lui per sfuggire al padre dispotico.

Quando il direttore del personale si ritrova immischiato in una spiacevole indagine interna, Owen si mette in testa di aiutarlo e di essere l’eroe che l’altro non ha mai avuto. Erin, dal canto suo, preferisce spendere le proprie energie cercando di salvare il dottore dalle tenebre di un passato che l’uomo non vuole raccontare.

La loro relazione sarà anche finta, ma i sentimenti che provano sono reali. Tuttavia, quel legame non potrà durare se non riusciranno a mettere a tacere i demoni che li perseguitano. Per farlo non gli basterà lavorare insieme: dovranno avere fiducia l’uno nell’altro per guarire il proprio cuore.


$6.99 $5.24

Un esprit libéré

Secrets (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets, tome 2

Rob Daniels est déterminé à prouver que son frère Alex se trompe sur toute la ligne. Alex pense avoir trouvé l’amour à travers la pratique du BDSM ; Rob est certain que ce n’est pas possible. Il se rend à plusieurs reprises dans un club de Londres pour lui donner tort. En assistant à la soirée d’inauguration du Secrets, Rob a droit à une mauvaise surprise qui le fait fuir en jurant de ne plus jamais revenir… Mais il ne peut pas s’empêcher d’y remettre les pieds et tombe sur un homme imposant : le Dom Vic Prentiss. Leur première rencontre est un désastre.

Mais plus Vic passe de temps avec Rob, plus il est convaincu de deux choses : primo, ce jeune homme est rongé de l’intérieur et deuzio, il est à la recherche de quelque chose. Son instinct le pousse à lui venir en aide, mais une clé est nécessaire pour libérer les secrets dissimulés dans l’esprit de Rob. Il suffit de la trouver. Alors seulement pourra-t-il découvrir le véritable Rob, l’homme qui est effrayé à l’idée de lâcher prise…


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Robin sait bien qu’il ne peut pas donner son nouveau cœur à n’importe qui…

D’une greffe cardiaque à une rupture brutale, Robin a vécu bien des coups durs récemment, mais il sait désormais que la vie est courte et qu’il doit mordre dedans à pleines dents en profitant de chaque bouchée. Un poste au sein des Euro Pride Tours est pile le genre d’aventure qu’il recherche : il a la chance de voir le monde et de vivre un peu, mais l’amour ne l’intéresse pas. Il ne pense pas que son cœur puisse en prendre encore. 

Johan a peut-être déçu sa famille en voulant voler de ses propres ailes, mais quand il rencontre Robin, il n’a pas l’intention de le laisser tomber. Chaque homme est exactement ce dont l’autre a besoin pour se sentir entier à nouveau et, bien que Johan ne soit pas celui qu’imaginait Robin au départ, il est exactement ce que le médecin lui a prescrit pour faire battre son cœur. Comme leur voyage se poursuit en Allemagne, les deux hommes se rapprochent, mais l’arrivée de l’ancien partenaire de Robin pourrait bien prendre une mauvaise tournure.


$6.99 $5.24


415 Ink | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

415 Ink: Book Three

From the moment SFPD Detective Ruan Nicholls meets Ivo Rogers, he knows the tattoo artist is going to bring chaos to his neat, orderly life. A hellion down to the bone, Ivo is someone Ruan not only doesn’t understand, he’s not even sure he needs to. Everything about Ivo is vibrant, brash, cocky, and arrogant, and Ruan wants no part of him.

Or at least that’s the lie he tells himself when he damps down his desire for the social wild child life tosses into his path.

For Ivo Rogers, life revolves around two things—his family and 415 Ink, the tattoo shop he co-owns with his four brothers. His family might be stitched together by their battle scars from growing up in foster care, but their brotherhood is tight—and strong enough to hold Ivo together during the times when he falls apart.

Now Ivo faces a new challenge when he falls for a cop with an old-school mentality on how a man looks and acts. Ruan is the promise of a life Ivo thought he’d never have, but their clashing perspectives threaten any chance of a relationship. Being the family’s hellion makes it easy to be misunderstood, yet Ivo has faith Ruan will not only embrace who he is but love him as well. 


$6.99 $5.24

The First Step

Coastal Carolina
$6.99 $1.00

A Coastal Carolina Novel

The first step is the hardest. After a scandal, New York political reporter Reed Barfield is lying low at the North Carolina coast, writing a story about the seafood industry. But it’s the harbor pilots on the Cape Fear River who capture his interest—men who jump across ten feet of open ocean to grab a rope ladder and guide huge container ships into port. Men like sexy but prickly Justin Vance. 

After surviving an abusive childhood and a tour in the Navy, Justin isn’t fazed by his dangerous job—it’s certainly easier to face than Reed’s annoying questions. Justin isn’t out at work, and he doesn’t need Reed digging into his personal life or his past. 

But Reed’s no stranger to using his considerable charm to get what he wants, and as he wears Justin down, they realize they have a lot in common—and that they like spending time together. Moving beyond that, though, will mean Justin confessing his sexuality and learning to trust Reed with his secrets—if Reed even decides to stay. Both men want a future together, but can they find the courage to take the first step?


$6.99 $1.00
$6.99 $5.24

Se hai ricevuto un cuore nuovo di zecca non puoi donarlo a chiunque…

Negli ultimi anni Robin ne ha passate tante, dal trapianto di cuore a una crudele separazione. Ma queste esperienze gli hanno insegnato che la vita è breve, e ora è pronto a cogliere l’attimo e ricominciare da capo. Il lavoro alla Euro Pride Tours è proprio il tipo di avventura che cercava: finalmente può conoscere il mondo e godersi un po’ la vita. L’amore, però, è sparito dal suo schermo radar: Robin non crede che il suo cuore potrebbe sopportare di soffrire di nuovo.

Johan ha deciso di costruirsi un futuro con le proprie mani, tradendo le aspettative della sua famiglia. Quando incontra Robin, però, non ha intenzione di deludere anche lui. Ciascuno dei due è ciò di cui l’altro ha bisogno per tornare a sentirsi completo. Forse Johan è diverso da come Robin lo immaginava, ma riesce a far battere il suo cuore in prestito più forte di qualsiasi medicina. Il viaggio attraverso la Germania ha inizio, e tappa dopo tappa il rapporto tra i due si fa più intenso. Ma quando l’ex fidanzato di Robin si unisce alla comitiva, il loro amore appena sbocciato potrebbe arrivare a una drammatica conclusione.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Movie Magic, libro 1

Luca McGrath sarà anche tornato nella Napa Valley, California, come promettente chef, con il sogno di aprire un proprio ristorante con cantina di vini, ma il suo cuore è ancora legato a James Armstrong, il classico cattivo ragazzo e figlio di un miliardario. Luca ha trascorso tutta l’infanzia con James, il ragazzo d’oro dell’alta società californiana, così accecato dalla sua bellezza da non notare il pacato e tenebroso fascino del fratello maggiore, Dylan.

Ma ora Luca è tornato, e il suo nuovo charme sembra essere in grado di far dubitare James della sua eterosessualità, tanto da mettere a rischio il fidanzamento dell’uomo con una ricca e potente donna d’affari. La palese attrazione tra i due fa sì che Dylan si decida a fare la sua mossa: perché mentre Luca sognava James, Dylan sognava Luca. Quando Luca si trova incastrato in una disputa tra fratelli e viene addirittura accusato di spionaggio culinario, si prepara a cestinare il suo sogno d’amore, ma non sa che proprio Dylan potrebbe essere la chiave per realizzare i suoi sogni.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A high-stakes case of industrial espionage ties them together, but before they can pursue their attraction, they must find out who’s pulling the strings. 

Devon Donaldson doesn’t know how a folio of stolen corporate secrets found its way into his bag, and certainly can’t think of anyone who’d want to frame him. The trouble is, he has to convince Powers McPherson. 

Devon’s firm hired Powers to investigate the theft of a new banking system, and so far Devon is his only lead. While Powers’s gut tells him Devon is innocent, he has no intention of letting Devon out of his sight… for more than one reason. Working together to get Devon’s life back leads to feelings far beyond cooperation. But before they can act on them, they need to find the group of thieves intent on ruining Devon’s reputation.


$6.99 $5.24

Stained Hearts

Links In the Chain
$6.99 $5.24

A Links In the Chain Story

Can two hearts stained by past pain find healing together?

Tom Kotke held his husband of twenty-five years on the day he died and spent nearly a year adrift. Determined to force Tom back into the world, his family takes him to the Park View Diner, where he meets young stained-glass artist Aiden Dawson. For a brief moment, Tom doesn’t think about his deceased husband—a terrifying prospect.

Slowly, Aiden draws Tom out of his shell and helps him feel alive once more. But Tom isn’t the only one who has suffered. Aiden fears no one sees beyond his wheelchair. Even if Tom can convince him he’s different, they’ll still have to overcome their age difference and a secret that could destroy their future together.


$6.99 $5.24

No Limits

Exploring Limits
$6.99 $5.24

Exploring Limits: Book Two

For three actors in a committed gay ménage, balancing work, sex, and romance might be their most challenging role yet.

The Dom who taught Devon about BDSM is back to reclaim his sub and break up the trio. He leaves chaos across the set of Camelot and Devon reluctant to resume his dominant role with his lovers, Jonathan and Kit. 

But facing their pasts and discovering and exploring new kinks might not be the ultimate test of their relationship….

Filming is ending on the miniseries that brought the three of them together, and they’re about to go their separate ways, pulled in different directions by family, obligations, and careers. How will they hold onto the love they’ve built when production wraps?

Each man has a unique idea about how to maintain their relationship, but will promises and memories be enough?


This volume includes newly edited and expanded versions of the novellas:

Breaking Limits

Transcending Limits

No Limits

First Edition
Breaking Limits, Transcending Limits, No Limits previously published individually by Dreamspinner Press, respectively: July 2010, September 2010, November 2010.


$6.99 $5.24

The Doctor's Orders

Copper Point Medical | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Doctor's Date
Copper Point Medical: Book Three

Once upon a time Nicolas Beckert was the boy who stole kisses from Jared Kumpel beneath the bleachers, but now Jared’s a pediatrician and Nick is the hospital CEO who won’t glance his way. Everything changes, however, when they’re stranded alone in a hospital elevator. Ten years of cold shoulders melt away in five hours of close contact, and old passions rekindle into hot flames.

Once out of the elevator, Jared has no intention of letting Nick get away. It’s clear he’s desperate for someone to give him space to let go of the reins, and Jared is happy to oblige. But Jared wants Nick as a lover in a full, open relationship, which is a step further than Nick is willing to go. They’ve traded kisses under the bleachers for liaisons in the boardroom… and it looks like the same arguments that drove them apart in high school might do the same thing now. 

Jared’s determined not to let that happen this time around. He won’t order Nick from his shell—he’ll listen to what his friend says he needs to feel safe. Maybe this time he can prescribe his lover a happy ever after. 


$6.99 $5.24

Un posto nuovo

Un posto | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Un posto vuoto
Serie Un posto: Libro 2

Quando Seth Wilder e Bryce McFarland tornano a Chicago dopo la loro crociera nel Regno Unito, sono ormai quasi innamorati e decidono di andare a vivere insieme per capire se i loro sentimenti possano sopravvivere al mondo reale.

A Seth viene comunicato che sul corpo del defunto marito è stata eseguita un’autopsia, obbligatoria nei casi di suicidio, e che il medico legale ha fatto delle scoperte inquietanti che gettano dei dubbi sulla reale causa della morte.

La clausola sul suicidio contenuta nell’assicurazione della vita del marito prevede che gli venga negato il risarcimento, ma alla luce delle nuove scoperte, l’avvocato gli consiglia di fare ricorso. L’investigatore della compagnia di assicurazioni si rivela essere lo stesso uomo che venticinque anni prima ha spezzato il cuore di Bryce. L’uomo sta attraversando un periodo difficile, e quando si rende conto di tutto il successo ottenuto dal suo ex – e dell’enorme somma di cui Seth potrebbe entrare in possesso – decide di provare ad accaparrarsi una fetta della torta, mettendo a dura prova la relazione tra Bryce e Seth.


$6.99 $5.24