Contemporary Romance books

$6.99 $5.24

Die aufstrebenden Kochtalente Beck Douglas und Duncan Walters befinden sich seit Jahren auf dem Radar der Gourmetpaparazzi, da ihr Status als Erben der beiden größten Kochimperien weit und breit sie zu Kochkönigen macht. Beck ist durch seinen Charme und seine klassischen Gerichte als Co-Moderator in der beliebten Fernseh-Kochshow seines Onkels bekannt geworden. Duncan dagegen hat sich durch seine Weigerung, im Restaurant seines Vaters zu arbeiten, und seine avantgardistischen Methoden einen Ruf als Bad Boy in der Kochszene erworben. 

Außerdem haben sie eine Kochrivalität geerbt, die die berühmte Familienfehde der Hatfields und McCoys harmlos erscheinen lässt. Als sie mitten in einer hitzigen Diskussion fotografiert werden, überschlägt sich die Presse mit wilden Spekulationen. Zur Schadensbegrenzung fädeln Freunde aus dem PR-Bereich eine Scheinfreundschaft ein. Schnell wünschen sich beide aber insgeheim mehr.

Die Gängelungen seines Onkels reiben Beck auf und Duncans Verhältnis zu seinem homophoben Vater spitzt sich noch mehr zu, als sich Beck und Duncan näherkommen. Als Duncan in Becks Kochshow einsteigt, fällt es ihnen schwer, im überregionalen Fernsehen die Chemie zwischen ihnen zu verbergen. Ganz ohne Scherben wird sich ihre Beziehung – oder ihre Karriere – jedoch nicht auf die nächste Stufe heben lassen.


$6.99 $5.24

Frat House Troopers (Manga)

Brandt and Donnelly Capers


Black & white interior illustrations with a color paperback cover.

State trooper Brandt’s new assignment to infiltrate a sex-cam operation puts him in a very uncomfortable position, especially since he’ll have to perform naked on camera for his audition. Fortunately his partner and best friend, Donnelly, has his back—whether that means helping Brandt shop gay boutiques for sexy underwear or offering Jäger and encouragement while he researches porn.

Despite his mortification, Brandt gives the audition his best “shot”—and becomes an overnight sensation. But to meet the man behind the operation, he'll have to give a repeat performance, this time live on webcam opposite the highest bidder. Donnelly makes sure to win that auction for his partner’s sake, but their plan has a flaw: faking it is not an option.

In the aftermath, Brandt is a humiliated mess trying desperately to come to terms with what he’s had to do for the job and his own mixed feelings. But Donnelly has been on a journey of discovery of his own. Suddenly everything the two men thought they knew about themselves and each other gets turned inside out. Meanwhile, they still have a case to solve… but it may not be the case they thought it was.



$1.99 $1.49

Back in high school, nobody noticed quiet nerd Kevin Howard.

But everybody noticed handsome, athletic, and ultrapopular jock Clay Northrup.

They had nothing in common and lived in different worlds.

But a lot can change in fifteen years, and when they meet again at their high school reunion, Clay is no longer the big man on campus, and Kevin isn’t hiding in a corner anymore.

Can they put aside who they were? Can one night really lead to forever?


$1.99 $1.49

The Truth Beyond the Bitterness

World of Love | Czech Republic
$3.99 $2.99

Can love erase a lifetime of fear and bitterness?

Kuba flees the oppressive influence of his strict Catholic family as soon as he graduates high school. In the big city of Pilsen, Czech Republic, he can get a fresh start. Although he is fairly content sharing a flat with his coworker and filling it with books, he knows he’s destined to be alone unless he can come out of the closet. But he just isn’t ready to bare his soul to the world.

When he meets his roommate’s friend Emil, he begins to reconsider. Is a chance at romance with the gorgeous man—and fellow bibliophile—incentive enough for Kuba to face his demons?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$3.99 $2.99

Island Classifieds: Book One

His mother. His best friend. The barmaid at the local pub. Everyone is determined to find Nathan Moffatt a boyfriend. It’s the last thing Nathan wants. After spending every day making sure his clients experience nothing but romantic magic, the Granshire Hotel’s wedding organizer just wants to go home, binge-watch crime dramas, and eat pizza in his underwear.

Unfortunately, no one believes him, and he’s stuck with lectures about dying alone. Then inspiration strikes. He needs the people in his life to want him to stay single as much as he does. He needs a bad boyfriend.

There’s only one man for the job.

Flynn Delaney is used to people on the island of Ceremony thinking the worst of him. But he isn’t sure he wants the dubious honor of worst boyfriend on the entire island. On the other hand, if he plays along, he gets to hang out with the gorgeous Nathan and piss off the owners of the Granshire Hotel. It’s a win-win.

There’s only one problem—Flynn’s actually quite a good boyfriend, and now Nathan’s wondering if getting off the sofa occasionally is really the worst thing in the world.


$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

There’s a time when life changes, when childhood is left behind and the first fumbling steps are taken into adulthood. One group of friends sets out for a summer of adventure and discovery. Jordan, Brandon, Ethan, and Dominic are ready to grow up and test themselves. But will their friendship buckle under the strain as they face the inevitable misunderstandings and conflicts? If they can hang on to their bond, it will see them through to the ultimate victory….

Finding love.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Il passato di William Lyon gli ha impedito di essere se stesso. Combattuto e stanco di mantenere le apparenze, si separa dalla moglie e accetta un lavoro come custode di una struttura che è stata il più grande ospedale psichiatrico della California. Il vecchio manicomio, vuoto e abbandonato, gli sembra il luogo adatto in cui rifugiarsi per terminare la tesi di laurea in attesa che il divorzio diventi definitivo. Nella piccola città di Jelley’s Valley, William incontra Colby Anderson, che manda avanti la bottega del paese con annesso ufficio postale. Al contrario di William, Colby è adorabile, ottimista e vistoso, e non si preoccupa di nascondere il proprio orientamento sessuale. Anche se all’inizio il carattere aperto di Colby lo mette a disagio, con il tempo William impara ad apprezzare la loro amicizia e accetta persino la proposta di Colby di introdurlo al mondo del sesso gay.

L’idea che William si è fatto di sé inizia a cambiare quando scopre una scatola di latta nascosta da decenni nelle mura del manicomio. All’interno, sono custodite le lettere scritte in segreto da Bill, un paziente che era stato internato a causa della sua omosessualità. William si rispecchia in quelle pagine e comincia ad appassionarsi alla storia dell’uomo che le ha scritte e al suo destino. Con l’aiuto di Colby, spera che le parole scritte settant’anni prima gli diano il coraggio di essere finalmente se stesso.


$6.99 $5.24

My Fair Brady

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

A spur of the moment invitation changes two lives.

Jordan Wolf’s company runs like a well-oiled machine. At least until his PA, Brady Donovan, comes down with the flu and takes sick leave. Then Jordan discovers what a treasure Brady is and who really keeps his business—and Jordan in particular—moving like clockwork. So when Jordan needs a plus-one, Brady seems the obvious choice to accompany him. After a major shopping trip to get Brady looking the part, however…. Wow.

Brady has a whole new wardrobe, and now his boss is whisking him away for a weekend party. Something is going on, something Brady never expected: Jordan is looking at him like he's never seen him before, electrifying Brady's long-hidden desires.

But can the romantic magic last when the weekend is over and it’s back to reality?


$4.99 $3.74

Amors Pfeile

Verliebte Anwälte
$3.99 $2.99

Die erfolgreichen Anwälte Dane Coulter und Cal Monroe sind Rivalen im Gerichtssaal und Freunde hinter den Kulissen. Doch können sie mehr sein?

Cal hat immer heimlich nach Dane geschmachtet. Allerdings verdrängt Dane seine Homosexualität so sehr, dass er nicht mal zugeben kann, dass er möglicherweise schwul ist. Sein Vater, ein fanatischer Homophober, regiert die Familie mit eiserner Hand und drängt Dane zu einer Verlobung – mit einer Frau. Um seine Mutter zu schützen, stimmt Dane zu. Für Cal bringt die Sache jedoch das Fass zum Überlaufen.

Er kann nicht zulassen, dass Dane einen Fehler macht, der sein gesamtes restliches Leben ruiniert und kennt nur einen todsicheren Weg, damit Dane sich eingesteht, wie es in seinem Herzen aussieht. Seinem Freund seine Gefühle zu offenbaren, könnte jedoch nach hinten losgehen und einen Keil zwischen sie treiben. Und selbst dann ist es Dane, der die Entscheidung treffen muss: Das Leben zu leben, das sein Vater von ihm erwartet oder alles, was er hat, für die Chance auf Glück in Cals Armen aufzugeben.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Avvocati innamorati

Gli avvocati di successo Dane Coulter e Cal Monroe sono rivali in tribunale e amici nella vita privata. Ma potrebbero essere qualcosa di più?

Cal ha da sempre una cotta per Dane, che però non è dichiarato e fatica persino ad ammettere di essere gay. Suo padre, un omofobo violento che controlla la famiglia con il pugno di ferro, obbliga Dane a fidanzarsi con una donna. Lui acconsente per mantenere la quiete e proteggere la madre, ma per Cal è la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso.

Non può permettere che l’amico faccia un errore che potrebbe rovinargli la vita, e solo lui conosce un modo infallibile per fargli ammettere cosa si cela nel suo cuore. Ma confessare i propri sentimenti gli si potrebbe ritorcere contro, incrinando in modo irreparabile il loro rapporto. Toccherà comunque a Dane scegliere se vivere la vita che vuole suo padre oppure rinunciare a tutto quello che ha per essere felice tra le braccia di Cal.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Avocats amoureux

Les célèbres avocats Dane Coulter et Cal Monroe sont rivaux au tribunal et amis en coulisses. Mais pourront-ils être davantage ?

Cal en a toujours pincé pour Dane, mais celui-ci est si profondément dans le placard qu’il ne peut même pas admettre la possibilité d’être gay. Son père, un homophobe enragé qui dirige sa famille d’une main de fer, force Dane à se fiancer… à une femme. Dane entre dans son jeu pour maintenir la paix et protéger sa mère, mais pour Cal, c’est la goutte qui fait déborder le vase.

Il ne peut pas laisser Dane commettre une erreur qui pourrait gâcher le reste de sa vie et il ne connaît qu’un seul moyen infaillible de lui faire admettre ce qui se trouve dans son cœur. Mais déclarer ses sentiments à son ami pourrait mal tourner, creusant un fossé entre eux. Et même ainsi, le choix doit venir de Dane : vivre la vie que son père désire ou abandonner tout ce qu’il a pour avoir une chance de bonheur dans les bras de Cal.


$3.99 $2.99

Perception extra-sensuelle

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Si un harceleur ne les tue pas, la chaleur qui règne entre eux pourrait bien le faire.

Christopher Vincent a tellement besoin d’un travail qu’il accepte de devenir médium pour divertir les clients dans la discothèque d’une amie. Jackson Whitman, l’autre propriétaire de la discothèque, n’est pas vraiment ravi de ce nouveau numéro. Pour lui, les médiums sont ridicules et un risque. Mais quand ils se retrouvent face à face, leur attirance est immédiate. 

Cependant, quelqu’un observe Jack et Chris dans l’ombre. Ce qui commence comme une série d’événements louches mène à des attaques meurtrières.

Jack et Chris doivent mettre leurs différences de côté et travailler ensemble pour survivre à un harceleur bien décidé à tuer. Mais pourront-ils survivre à leur attirance explosive ?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Professional basketball player Bri Early needs a physical therapist after an injury, and he’s heard that Obie is the best. Bri takes an immediate liking to the out-and-proud man with the magic touch, and even though Bri isn’t openly gay himself, he’d never let anything stand in the way of something he wants.

Obie can’t deny that the sexy athlete presses all his buttons, but he’s a professional and has no intention of getting involved with a client. While they’re working together, it’s hands off, no matter how great the temptation.

But being a pro athlete isn’t easy. Bri has enemies, and one of them is making his life hell. When his house is set ablaze, Bri can no longer pretend the threatening messages he’s receiving are jokes. He needs a safe place to stay, and Obie can’t turn his back. But the two of them in the same house is a recipe for combustion that could burn them both….


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

Potrebbe essere la pesca più importante della loro vita.

Due volte all’anno William Westmoreland fugge dalla sua insoddisfacente vita nel Rhode Island per recarsi in Florida, dove noleggia la barca di Mike Jensen per andare a pescare nel Golfo del Messico. L’acqua cristallina e il paesaggio tropicale non sono gli unici elementi graditi a William, che però non ha mai fatto la prima mossa nei confronti di Mike. Le avventure d’amore durante le vacanze non fanno per lui.

Mike ha avviato il suo servizio di noleggio barche per mantenere la figlia e la madre, mettendo al primo posto il loro benessere rispetto ai bisogni del cuore. Tuttavia, negare l’attrazione per William diventa sempre più difficile. 

L’ultima uscita di William e Mike inizia con una bella giornata, ma un uragano improvviso cambia tutto, impedendo a William di lasciare la città. Mentre fuori infuriano vento e pioggia, la passione a cui i due uomini hanno cercato di resistere per anni alla fine divampa, lasciandoli desiderosi di prolungare quello che hanno scoperto. Purtroppo gli obblighi di William lo richiamano alla vita reale. Riusciranno William e Mike a ridurre la distanza tra loro e a trovare un luogo in cui le loro anime possano incontrarsi? La navigazione non sarà tranquilla, ma per il futuro luminoso che li attende vale la pena affrontare il mare agitato.


$5.99 $4.49

Rebuild My Heart

Lexington Lovers
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Lexington Lovers

A love built to last.

When Derek Jackson is hired to renovate the LGBT bookstore that’s also Owen Hensley’s home, opposites attract. Derek is a big burly blue-collar guy, about ten years older than slight, sweet, and bookish Owen. As they spend time together, it becomes clear that each handsome outside leads to a beautiful interior. Far from the shy twink he appears, Owen has a rock-solid foundation that helped him put himself through college and start his own business. Behind Derek’s strong façade waits a tender heart that’s been battered by a rough family past—something Owen understands.

After Owen’s runaway nephew lands on his doorstep, it throws a wrench in their plans. Derek can’t ask Owen to choose, but he doesn’t think he can take second place with his lover the way he always has with his family. Can they find a way to keep their romance standing?


$4.99 $3.74

Liebe ist nicht allmächtig

Liebe ist... | Band 1
$6.99 $5.24

Jeremy Cox hatte keine sehr glückliche Kindheit. Er wuchs in einer Kleinstadt in Kansas auf, wurde in der Schule schikaniert und von seinen Eltern vernachlässigt. Aber er entkam dieser Enge und ging nach Portland, Oregon, wo er jetzt als Park Ranger arbeitet und versucht, Ausreißern und Obdachlosen zu helfen. Er ist mittlerweile schon über vierzig und hat sich mit seinem Leben arrangiert, da steht eines Tages sein ehemaliger Freund Donny, den er vor sechs Jahren an die Alkohol- und Drogensucht verlor, vor der Tür und zieht Jeremy unweigerlich mit in seine Probleme hinein. Und als ob das noch nicht genug wäre, trifft Jeremy einen faszinierenden, rätselhaften Mann, der seinerseits auch sein Bündel zu tragen hat.

Qayin Hill hat den Keller voller Leichen und den Kopf voller Dämonen. Er war früher drogensüchtig und kämpft auch jetzt noch mit Depressionen und Panikanfällen. Qay weiß nicht, ob er Jeremy seine Geheimnisse anvertrauen kann oder wie er darauf reagieren soll, dass Jeremy immer wieder versucht, ihn vor sich selbst zu retten.

Doch obwohl sie beide von ihrer Vergangenheit heimgesucht werden, finden Jeremy und Qay zusammen Leidenschaft, Freundschaft und die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft. Jetzt müssen sie nur noch entscheiden, ob ihre Liebe wirklich die Macht hat, um – wie ein altes Sprichwort besagt – alles zu überwinden. Oder ob manche Hindernisse so hoch sind, dass selbst die größte Liebe vor ihnen kapituliert.


$6.99 $5.24

Where Nerves End

Tucker Springs
Not Available
*This item is currently not available.

A Tucker Springs Novel

Welcome to Tucker Springs, Colorado, where you’ll enjoy beautiful mountain views and the opportunity to study at one of two prestigious universities—if you can afford to live there.

Jason Davis is in pain. Still smarting from a bad breakup, he struggles to pay both halves of an overwhelming mortgage and balance the books at his floundering business. As if the emotional and financial pain weren’t enough, the agony of a years-old shoulder injury keeps him up at night. When he faces a choice between medication and insomnia, he takes a friend’s advice and gives acupuncture a try.

Acupuncturist Michael Whitman is a single dad striving to make ends meet, and his landlord just hiked the rent. When new patient Jason, a referral from a mutual friend, suggests a roommate arrangement could benefit them both, Michael seizes the opportunity.

Getting a roommate might be the best idea Jason’s ever had—if it weren’t for his attraction to Michael, who seems to be allergic to wearing shirts in the house. Still, a little unresolved sexual tension is a small price to pay for pain and financial relief. He’ll keep his hands and feelings to himself since Michael is straight… isn’t he?

Third Edition
First Edition published by Amber Quill Press, LLC, June 2012. Second Edition published by Riptide Publishing, June 2014.


Beneath These Fields

World of Love | Brazil
$5.99 $4.49

Sometimes true worth is well hidden.

Ellis Campos is a successful divorce lawyer with little to no time for a personal life. His predictable routine is disrupted when he inherits a coffee farm from an estranged aunt. There’s no room in his life for all the complications that come with managing a farm in another state. But his plans to quickly sell it and go back to the big city fall apart when he’s manipulated into spending a week on the estate.

Adding to the unexpected surprises, he meets Rudá, a native Brazilian who works on the farm, and while teaching him about his aunt’s home and family, also tempts Ellis like no one ever has.

He doesn’t expect his life to change in such a short time, but as he finds value and comfort in the farm’s routine, Ellis quickly realizes that, like the land itself, Rudá has secrets that could send him running back to Rio.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$5.99 $4.49