Gay books


Oathsworn (2nd Ed.)

CharmD Saga | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Former chef Jasper Wight has been magically ensnared in his apartment for over three months. Cabin fever doesn’t begin to cover it. All he can do to pass the time is indulge in his hobby—painting portraits of his neighbors. But once a handsome new man moves into a swanky nearby penthouse, Jasper is no longer content merely to watch. Following his gut, he reaches out through astral projection….

Finn Anderson is the CEO of a food app funded by his parents, but he struggles to believe in the dream. When a mysterious someone starts leaving messages on his mirror, he learns the world holds more possibilities than he ever imagined.

When a chance encounter brings Finn to Jasper’s door, the pair are soon as enamored with each other as Finn is of the magic he’s just discovering. But navigating a relationship that spans two worlds is only the tip of the iceberg. They still have to figure out how to free Jasper from his apartment, how to make Finn’s business into a success, and whether an outsider can be trusted with the secrets of the magical world. 


$6.99 $3.49

A Salt Bitter Sea

The Luck Mechanics | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Miller Aldrun has spent his life being Cassandra, the prophet nobody believes. Born knowing when a dangerous, armed presence is nearby, Miller has always been dismissed—and had to see the people he cares about hurt. Grieving the death of a closeted lover, he finds solace cruising the waterways of Spinner’s Drift, making sure the people in the outlying islands feel safe.

When Miller discovers the weekly gathering at The Magic of Books, its members become the family he didn’t know he could have. That includes Piers Constantine, who’s hiding on the islands with his cousin to elude her stalker.

Golden, kind, and humble, Piers finds Miller fascinating. But Piers is destined to leave the island, and even if he’s the only person who ever had faith in Miller, Miller can’t bear the thought of losing someone else he loves.

Then Miller wakes up with that familiar warning in his gut. The long-ago evil that has been stalking Piers and his cousin is catching up. Miller’s gift might be the only way to protect them… but he’ll have to let Piers in. Together, they plunge into one of the island’s oldest mysteries. For once, being Cassandra is on Miller’s side. Piers and Miller conceive a desperate plan to set them free from fear—but if Miller fails, he knows nothing will be left of him but the salt-bitter sea.


$6.99 $3.49

Devil's Brew (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 2.5
$3.99 $2.00

La vie de Miki St John a été bouleversée, mais c’est la meilleure chose qui lui soit jamais arrivée.

Son meilleur ami, Damien Mitchell, est revenu d’entre les morts. Il possède un chien nommé Mec. Et plus important encore, lui et son amant, l’inspecteur de la police départementale de San Francisco, Kane Morgan, partagent désormais l’entrepôt reconverti de Miki.

Pour la toute première fois, Miki mène une vie heureuse et normale, mais lorsque la Saint-Valentin arrive, il se rend compte qu’il ne sait presque rien sur le fait d’être en couple. Rien concernant la fête traditionnelle des amoureux n’a de sens pour lui, néanmoins Miki veut offrir à Kane une Saint-Valentin que l’homme n’oubliera jamais.

Peut-il s’en sortir avec une journée de vin et de roses ? Ou son enfance gâchée reviendra-t-elle lui mordre le cul ? Encore.


$3.99 $2.00
$6.99 $3.49

Sheriff Aaron George hat vor zehn Jahren seine Frau verloren. In der Hoffnung, dass es für seine Kinder besser wäre, in einer Kleinstadt aufzuwachsen, zog er nach Colton. Mittlerweile kennt er jeden in der Stadt, einschließlich Mr. Larkin, den quirligen, amüsanten Naturwissenschaftslehrer. Seit ‚Larx’ fast wider Willen zum Rektor der örtlichen Highschool befördert wurde, fehlt ihm die Zeit, die Leichtathletik-Mannschaft zu coachen, und er beginnt stattdessen mit dem Joggen. Aaron dachte bislang, dass sich sein restliches Leben nur noch um die Kinder drehen würde, aber ein Rektor, der mit nacktem Oberkörper an einer gefährlichen Straße entlang joggt, belehrt ihn eines Besseren.

Auch Larx lebt nur für seine Kinder und für die Schüler und Schülerinnen der Colton High. Aarons Interesse bemerkt er zuerst gar nicht. Dann fangen sie an, gemeinsam zu joggen, und er lernt den Polizeibeamten für seine Verlässlichkeit, seinen Humor und sein volles Verständnis für seine Prioritäten zu schätzen: Kinder an erster, Job an zweiter und die eigenen Interessen leider an allerletzter Stelle.

Schon nach einem Kuss fühlen sich die beiden Endvierziger wie verliebte Teenager, trotz der großen Verantwortung, die auf ihren Schultern lastet. Dann wird die aufkeimende Romanze von einem Gewaltverbrechen überschattet und die beiden Männer müssen verhindern, dass die kleine Stadt im Chaos versinkt. Als sich die Ereignisse zuspitzen, erkennen sie, dass es ihre neu zusammenwachsende Familie ist, die verhindert, dass ihre Welt aus den Fugen gerät.


$6.99 $3.49

Through the Flames

Carlisle Fire | Book 1
$6.99 $3.49

Kyle Wilson hasn’t had it easy. His insecurities and nasty home life made him lash out as a kid, and when he finally came out as gay, his family disowned him. Then, just when he’s pulled his life together and gotten his construction company running, he’s caught in a fire and forced to take costly time off.

When firefighter Hayden Walters rescues a man from a burning building, he’s just doing his job. He doesn’t expect it to turn his life upside-down, but the man is none other than Hayden’s high school bully.

He definitely doesn’t expect Kyle to come to the station to thank him in person.

With awkward apologies out of the way, Kyle and Hayden realize they have a lot in common. And when it turns out someone set the fire at Kyle’s construction site to target him, they find they can solve each other’s problems too: Hayden needs a place to stay while his apartment is renovated, and Kyle doesn’t want to be alone in case the firebug strikes again. Things between the two of them quickly heat up—but so does the arsonist’s agenda. Can they track down the would-be killer before it’s too late?


$6.99 $3.49

Feu et pluie

Les flics de Carlisle | Tome 3
$6.99 $3.49

Depuis la mort de leur mère, Josten Applewhite fait ce qu’il faut pour s’occuper de son petit frère et préserver la cohésion de leur petite famille. Mais, en un instant, un coup de malchance détruit le petit foyer qu’il a réussi à construire, et Jos et Isaac se retrouvent à la rue.

C’est là que l’agent Kip Rogers les trouve et, même s’il sait qu’il doit laisser les autorités compétentes s’occuper de la situation, il n’arrive pas à trouver le courage de les repousser, allant même jusqu’à les inviter à rester chez lui jusqu’à ce qu’ils se remettent sur pied. Avec l’aide de Kip et de ses amis, Jos commence à reconstruire sa vie. Mais l’expérience lui a appris que rien n’est gratuit, et la générosité semble trop belle pour être vraie, comme tout ce qui concerne Kip.

Kip a le béguin pour Jos et il aime la façon dont Jos et Isaac font de sa grande maison un foyer. Mais leur arrangement ne peut pas être permanent, pas avec Jos qui veut tracer son propre chemin. C’est alors que surgit un parent éloigné, déterminé à détruire la famille de Jos. Kip sait que Jos a besoin de lui, même s’il n’est pas prêt à l’admettre.


$6.99 $3.49

Kraken My Heart (Deutsch)

Kraken-Krimi der anderen Dimension | Buch 2
$6.99 $3.49

Es passt einfach alles zusammen: als Ted die Liebe seines Lebens kennenlernt, ist er von oben bis unten mit dem Blut eines Mordopfers bedeckt.

Ted Sturm arbeitet für ein Bestattungsunternehmen. Er hat ein loses Mundwerk, ein großes Herz und die zweifelhafte Gabe, mit Toten kommunizieren zu können. Unglücklicherweise sind Tote keine guten Freunde, und sein einziger lebender Freund, mit dem er auch die Wohnung teilt, hat gerade eine streunende Katze aufgenommen, die Ted das Leben zur Hölle macht. Und diese Katze - eigentlich ein Kater - hat es in sich. So kommt es, dass Ted sich plötzlich in einer anderen Dimension wiederfindet. Auf einer Leiche.

Ted wird des Mordes angeklagt und sein einziger Verbündeter in dieser merkwürdigen Welt voller magischer Wesen und Unwesen ist König Grell, ein sarkastischer, geiler, katzenartiger Unsterblicher mit beeindruckenden Fähigkeiten. Und einer beeindruckenden Anatomie. Die beiden werden in eine kosmische Verschwörung verwickelt, umgeben von gefährlichen Feinden. Mit Teds spezieller Begabung und Grells Magie müssen sie versuchen, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen, um Teds Leben zu retten. Es gibt da nur ein Problem: Ted muss Grells unzweideutigen Avancen widerstehen. Und er ist sich nicht sicher, ob er das überhaupt will.


$6.99 $3.49

Au grand jour

Le hockey pour toujours | Book 1
$6.99 $3.49

Gabe Martin ne vit que pour le hockey, il n’a rien d’autre. Dante Baltierra, lui, cherche à s’amuser sur la route du Temple de la renommée du hockey. Ni Gabe ni Dante n’ont le temps de penser à l’amour.

Mais les plans changent.

Quand l’homosexualité de Gabe s’affiche dans la presse, son petit monde bien organisé se trouve bouleversé, ce qui perturbe son jeu et cause une série de défaites à son équipe. Gabe ne s’attendait pas au soutien de Dante, mais grâce à lui, il commence à remonter la pente.

La saison n’évolue pas comme Dante s’y attendait. Il déteste perdre ! Que Gabe soit gay ne le dérange pas, que lui le soit aussi le sidère. Dante a toujours exposé ce qu’il était, ce qu’il faisait, aussi déteste-t-il devoir mentir et se cacher. Mais son coéquipier a besoin lui, alors, il ronge son frein.

Il n’avait pas envisagé de tomber amoureux.

Une relation entre coéquipiers finit toujours mal. Dante est ouvert, drôle et brillant au hockey. Gabe ne peut y résister. Malheureusement, il a du mal à s’ouvrir après des années passées dans le placard et Dante s’irrite du secret de leur relation. Réussiront-ils à s’accorder avant que la glace ne cède sous leurs pieds ?


$6.99 $3.49
$3.99 $2.00

When Jay and Wallace first meet at an LGBTQ group, they have no idea they’ll be dating six years later. In fact, they quickly forget each other’s names. But although fate continues to throw them together, the timing is never quite right. Finally they’re both single and realize they want to be together... but now they can’t find each other! 

With determination and the help of mutual friends, Jay and Wallace can finally pursue the relationship they’ve both wanted for so long. It’s only the beginning of the battles they’ll face to build a life together. From disapproving family members all the way to the state legislature, Jay and Wallace’s road to happily ever after is littered with obstacles. But they’ve come too far to give up the fight.


$3.99 $2.00

Elf Shot

Monster Dads
$4.99 $2.49

Special Illustrated Edition

 All Conri wanted was to drop his kid off at Changeling camp, find the nearest halfway nice hotel, and enjoy a week of uncomplicated debauchery. It should be simple. It doesn’t work out that way. When a local girl disappears, the neighborhood quickly lays blame at the well-guarded gates of the camp. With his son incriminated, a mystery to solve, and a malevolent pocket of the Otherworld to navigate, Conri will need all the help he can get—even if it does come from a distractingly pretty, tightly wound Iron Door agent who doesn’t trust Conri to be on the right side.  

Previously released as part of the anthology Bad, Dad, and Dangerous by Dreamspinner Press, October 2020


$4.99 $2.49

Monster Hall Pass

Monster Dads
$4.99 $2.49

Special Illustrated Edition

White-collar dad Hugh Whitby dotes on his adopted daughter, but she’s away at camp. Now it's time let the vampiric urges he so tightly controls run wild and take advantage of his monster hall pass to feed on criminals. But when fae prince Rykoff of Harlow interrupts Hugh feeding, he catches Hugh’s daughter’s scent and vows to avenge the fae youngling he believes Hugh has captured. Hugh had no idea his daughter wasn’t human, and it rocks the foundation of his world. He must convince Rykoff that the fae youngling in question is safe with her vampire dad and can prosper in the mortal realm—or risk losing her forever.

Previously released as part of the anthology Bad, Dad, and Dangerous by Dreamspinner Press, October 2020


$4.99 $2.49

Wolf at First Sight

Monster Dads
$4.99 $2.49

Special Illustrated Edition

SFPD Lieutenant Joseph Zanetti has spent years protecting his city, and from the looks of St. Connal’s Pub and its bad-boy owner, Levi Keller, the place is a hotspot for trouble and violence. Joe’s problem? Levi is delectably hot, with secrets Joe can’t wait to dig into. As a Peacekeeper for paranormals, wolf shifter Levi doesn’t need the complication of a hot cop sniffing around his pub when he’s just sent his teen son off to summer camp. He’s busy brokering a peace agreement between two warring factions. When Joe stumbles into Levi’s world, both plunge into a situation neither one of them was ready for—falling in love. 

Previously released as part of the anthology Bad, Dad, and Dangerous by Dreamspinner Press, October 2020


$4.99 $2.49

In His Sights

Second Sight | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Random letters belong on Scrabble tiles, not dead bodies. But when a demented serial killer targets Boston’s gay population, leaving cryptic messages carved into his victims, lead detective Gary Mitchell has no choice but to play along.

As the body count rises, Gary gets desperate enough to push aside his skepticism and accept the help of a psychic. Dan Porter says he can offer new clues, and Gary needs all the insight into the killer’s mind he can get.

Dan has lived with his gift—sometimes his curse—his entire life. He feels compelled to help, but only if he can keep his involvement secret. Experience has taught him to be cautious of the police and the press, but his growing connection to Gary distracts him from the real danger. As they edge closer to solving the puzzle, Dan finds himself in the killer’s sights….


$6.99 $3.49

Under Cover

Covert | Book 1
$6.99 $3.49

For Judson Crosby, the transfer to the elite law enforcement branch of the SCTF is a great escape from the death sentence he earned as a whistle-blowing patrol officer. Calix Garcia, the fierce new guy, makes a perfect partner, catching bad guys while minimizing collateral damage. Crosby loves working with him.

Of course, he’d also love to work him over in a totally different way.

Garcia has waited his whole career for a solid, dependable partner like Crosby. But after six months fighting crime together, he’s done fighting their attraction.

Their coming together promises to be everything they need… until a threat from Crosby’s past comes back to haunt not just him, but their entire team.

When Crosby goes undercover to keep them safe, Garcia is frantic with worry. One false move could get Crosby killed and Garcia exposed. But they have to fight their way clear, because hiding your lover under the cover of darkness is no way to live. Crosby and Garcia will risk everything for the chance to live their lives in the light.


$6.99 $3.49

The Man Who Lost His Pen

Ben Ames Case Files | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Calgary PI Ben Ames expects a relaxing evening off as he supports his boyfriend, Jesse, one of the star performers at a charity concert. But it turns out relaxing isn’t on the program.

When last-minute guest Matt Garrett shows up, it creates a frenzy backstage. An A-list movie star with an ego to match, Garrett has bad blood with many of the performers—Jesse included. So when Garrett turns up dead, Ben begins to dig for the truth, both to protect Jesse and to satisfy his own instinctive curiosity.  

So much for his night off. 

When the police arrive, emotions backstage heat up, but no one can step out to cool off, because the Western Canadian winter is so cold that hypothermia waits outside. With such a high-profile crime, the lead detective seems poised to make a quick arrest… and Jesse’s a prime suspect. Ben has his work cut out for him to solve the murder under the police and paparazzi’s noses before Jesse’s reputation becomes collateral damage.


$6.99 $3.49
$6.99 $3.49

The problem with being an actor on top of the world is that you have a long way to fall.

Logan Steele is miserable. Hollywood life is dragging him down. Drugs, men, and booze are all too easy. Pulling himself out of his self-destructive spiral, not so much.

Brit Stimple does whatever he can to pay the bills. Right now that means editing porn. But Brit knows he has the talent to make it big, and he gets his break one night when Logan sees him perform on stage.

When Logan arranges for an opportunity for Brit to prove his talent, Brit’s whole life turns around. Brit’s talent shines brightly for all to see, and he brings joy and love to Logan’s life and stability to his out-of-control lifestyle. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy for Logan, and as Brit’s star rises, Logan’s demons marshal forces to try to tear the new lovers apart. 


$6.99 $3.49
$3.99 $2.00

Vor sechs Jahren begab sich Noah Wheeler zum Flughafen, um seinen Partner, Dante Cerreto, zu treffen, und seine Welt brach zusammen. Dante küsste jemand anderen und teilte ihm mit, neu verliebt zu sein. Noah nahm sein gebrochenes Herz – und auch das Ultraschallbild ihres von einer Leihmutter ausgetragenen Kindes – und schloss die Tür hinter dem, was er bisher als sein Leben angesehen hatte. Von nun an konzentrierte er sich auf den Teil seines Traumes, der ihm geblieben war: Vater zu sein.

Während eines Urlaubs in Las Vegas trifft Noah zufällig auf die Cerreto-Familie, und somit auch auf Dante. Er erfährt, dass nicht nur er betrogen worden war, sondern auch Dante. Dieser möchte nun die verlorene Zeit wieder gutmachen. Um jetzt die Chance auf sein Glück zu bekommen, braucht er Noah, den einzigen Mann, den er je geliebt hat, und Grace, die Tochter, von der er bislang nichts wusste. Dante muss alle verfügbaren Überredungs- und Verführungskünste aufbieten, denn Noah wird sich nicht erneut auf eine Liebe einlassen, nur um dann wieder mit gebrochenem Herzen da zu stehen.


$3.99 $2.00

'Nother Sip of Gin (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 7
$6.99 $3.49

Pour les rocks stars de Crossroads Gin, Miki, Damien, Rafe et Forest, la vie est une bande de Möbius de musique, de chaos et de meurtres. Et au milieu de tout cela se trouvent des moments doux et excitants entre les tournées avec leurs amoureux, leurs amis et la famille capable de les garder sains d’esprit, en bonne santé et heureux. Ces histoires courtes couvrent la série Sinners depuis les prémices avant la première note jusqu’à l’extinction des lumières et au-delà.


$6.99 $3.49