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A Victorian automaton that seems all too real...

A cursed book that infects the beloved family dog...

An old mill building haunted by workers killed in a fire...

Ghosts, werewolves, and aliens lurk in the twilight, at the edge of the shadows—the penumbra—in this collection of stories from Jamie Fessenden. 


This volume consists of previously published novellas.


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

Conner MacKay is the last of the TV cowboys, but he’s withdrawn from society—even before a global pandemic forces the world into quarantine. When he meets activist Dante Burke, though, Conner takes a chance. He can’t leave a young Black man on the street in the face of a public health crisis. What kind of cowboy would he be then?

On the surface, Conner and Dante live in opposing realities: midlife versus youth, flush versus flat broke. But their politics, attraction, and close quarters bring them together until the heat between them grows into a burn almost too hot to handle.

Then old dangers breach their safeguards and threaten not their love, but their very lives.


$5.99 $4.49
$6.99 $5.24

After demon elementals kill the good folks Sheriff Cali McCade has sworn to protect, the last place she expects to find herself is the future.

Cali McCade is happy being the only female sheriff in the West until evil destroys her town of Oblivion and everyone in it. But when a magical creature sends her forward in time, Cali gets a chance for justice—and to stop history from repeating itself.

Now, on the set of Harsh Reality, a television show that challenges average people to survive in historical settings, Cali isn’t just the sheriff of Oblivion—she also plays herself on TV. It isn’t easy to find her path in this new world, but at least she knows what her “character” would do… even if it’s a little strange to be navigating a blooming romance with the woman playing Arlene, her long-lost love.

When the elementals show up to destroy Oblivion all over again, can Cali find a way to defeat the demons, keep her cover, and still ride off into the sunset?


$6.99 $5.24

Fish in a Barrel

Fish Out of Water | Book 7
$6.99 $5.24

Jackson and Ellery face their toughest case yet—against the criminal justice system itself.

Jackson Rivers and Ellery Cramer have worked difficult jobs before, but usually it’s getting the facts that’s the problem. For their newest client, the trouble isn’t finding the truth—it’s corruption at the highest levels of the justice system. It isn’t enough to find the actual perpetrator and unveil a heartless plot—not when the DA is the bad guy and he’s using cops as his goons. Keeping their vulnerable client alive and out of jail takes blood, sweat, and tears.

When one of their major antagonists is killed and the DA tries to pin the death on Jackson, he’ll need every ounce of luck and all his resources to clear his name—and to find the perpetrator before the DA can use the murder to further his own agenda. They soon find that it’s easier to spot an honest man in a field of thieves than it is to shoot fish in a barrel—and both the man and the fish will be lucky to survive….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Les sauvetages sont fous en Alaska. La romance aussi.

Dan Farnsworth, garde-côte californien abreuvé de soleil, est peut-être à l’aise dans l’eau, mais il n’est pas dans son élément à la station de Staggered Cove, isolée, accidentée et glaciale. L’acclimatation s’avère déjà assez difficile, mais il doit aussi chercher à savoir comment le précédent nageur-sauveteur de la station a disparu en mer. S’agit-il d’une opération qui a mal tourné ou de quelque chose de plus sinistre ? Ajoutez à cela la tension instantanée entre son partenaire, Karl Radin, originaire d’Alaska, et lui, et Dan a fort à faire.

L’attraction entre Dan et Karl augmente au fur et à mesure que son enquête s’intensifie, même s’ils ne se font pas totalement confiance. Mais lorsque des évènements suspects dégénèrent en sabotage, Dan commence à craindre que Karl et lui n’aient pas la chance de devenir plus que des collègues réticents.


$6.99 $5.24

Il grogne, il rugit, il ronronne

Lions, Tigres et Ours | Livre 1
$6.99 $5.24

Pour les Hommes, les métamorphes ne sont rien de plus qu’un mythe. 

Pour les métamorphes, le mythe, c’est l’existence des âmes sœurs. 

Mais alors, dans ce cas, comment se fait-il que le tigre-garou Dellan Carson ait hérité des deux à la fois ? 

Cela fait si longtemps que Dellan est piégé sous sa peau de tigre qu’il en oublierait presque la sensation de pouvoir marcher sur deux jambes. Mais lorsque le photojournaliste Rael Parton se met en tête d’interviewer le PDG du géant pharmaceutique qui le retient prisonnier dans son bureau à l’intérieur d’une cage de verre, son monde bascule. 

Abattu de découvrir son futur compagnon piégé à l’état de tigre, Rael est bien déterminé à le libérer de sa prison… et pour ça, il aura besoin d’aide. 

C’est là qu’intervient Horvan Kojik, ancien militaire et ours-garou spécialiste de ce genre de missions. Horvan est l’homme de la situation pour voler à la rescousse de Dellan. Mais pour ce qui est d’avoir une âme sœur ? Il ne s’était jamais imaginé officialiser avec qui que ce soit, et encore moins deux fois. 

Sauver Dellan et l’aider à redevenir humain n’est que le commencement de leur histoire. Il reste aux trois amants de noirs secrets à percer et des forces obscures à éliminer…


$6.99 $5.24

Rhythm of Us

Inevitable Duets | Book Three
$4.99 $3.74

Inevitable Duets: Book Three

Steadfast drummer Ash Wright and wild-card bassist Dean Phillips have been best friends forever, but Ash finds himself wanting more. A break from touring should give him the space he needs to get his head on straight–except then Dean moves in with him…. 

Ash has been fighting his growing attraction to Dean ever since an ill-fated threesome on the last leg of their tour. All he wants is some time to get over it. But that doesn’t seem to be in the cards, because Dean’s mom has given his room to his niece, and he doesn’t have anywhere else to stay. Ash has a big house all to himself, so why shouldn’t he move in? 

Because they can’t keep their hands off each other, that’s why.  

Dean never saw himself having feelings for another man, but that’s what’s happening. As he and Ash explore their secret new relationship behind closed doors, they also collaborate to help a struggling charity–one Dean feels close to, since it helps underprivileged kids like he used to be learn music. The time off from touring lets them live in their own little world. 

Then the band reunites for a fundraiser concert, and suddenly the real world intrudes. Can Ash and Dean navigate a relationship that leaves them in harmony with the rest of the group?


$4.99 $3.74

Dead Woman's Secret

Nearly Departed | Book Three
$1.99 $1.49

Flynn Dalton just wants to marry her girlfriend, Genesis, go back to her construction job, and get on with her life. But first she has to defeat a revenge-crazed psychic succubus who is erasing people from existence….

Flynn is in a tough spot. The National Psychic Registry will exile Genesis for her use of dark magic if Flynn doesn’t do their bidding… and Gen doesn’t even know the Registry is using her for leverage. The only way for Flynn to get her life back–and protect Gen–is to find and kill Tempest Granfeld, the disembodied succubus removing Registry members from time.

But no matter how hard Flynn works, she makes little progress. Using her abilities takes a mental and physical toll, and she’s so tired that she can’t keep an eye on Gen, who’s struggling with her dark magic addiction.

When Tempest sets her sights on Genesis, Flynn is pushed to her breaking point. Can she embrace her power once and for all and be the hero Gen needs?


$1.99 $1.49

Fire and Sand

Carlisle Troopers | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

Can a single dad with a criminal past find love with the cop who pulled him over?

When single dad Quinton Jackson gets stopped for speeding, he thinks he’s lost both his freedom and his infant son, who’s in the car he’s been chasing down the highway. Amazingly, State Trooper Wyatt Nelson not only believes him, he radios for help and reunites Quinton with baby Callum.

Wyatt should ticket Quinton, but something makes him look past Quinton’s record. Watching him with his child proves he made the right decision. Quinton is a loving, devoted father—and he’s handsome. Wyatt can’t help but take a personal interest.
For Quinton, getting temporary custody is a dream come true… or it would be, if working full-time and caring for an infant left time to sleep. As if that weren’t enough, Callum’s mother will do anything to get him back, including ruining Quinton’s life. Fortunately, Quinton has Wyatt for help, support, and as much romance as a single parent can schedule.
But when Wyatt’s duties as a cop conflict with Quinton’s quest for permanent custody, their situation becomes precarious. Can they trust each other, and the courts, to deliver justice and a happy ever after?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Danny Sims est perdu, déchiré entre son amant abusif, Joshua, et Jay Holtsclaw, le barman du bout de la rue, qui lui offre l’unique chose qu’il n’a pas chez lui : la compréhension.

Lorsque Joshua menace de se débarrasser du chien de Danny, celui-ci sait qu’il doit agir et vite. Effrayé par ce que Joshua pourrait faire à son chien et par ce qu’il pourrait lui faire à lui s’il essayait de partir, Danny n’a plus qu’une seule solution.


Mais il n’est pas totalement fou, il a suffisamment de bon sens pour se réfugier dans les bras de l’homme qui se soucie de lui, celui en qui il commence à avoir confiance.

Alors que leur vie ensemble commence à se mettre en place, Danny et Jay vont découvrir à quel point Joshua est rancunier.

Et dangereux.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Lucas Arrowood is walking to school on his first day of kindergarten when he meets Dalton Churchill—a boy who stops and helps him tie his shoe. He knows from that moment he is going to marry that boy one day. “Boys can’t marry other boys,” his mother explains, but that doesn’t stop Lucas. He knows what he wants.

He and Dalton become best friends. And then, no matter how much he resists, Dalton falls in love with Lucas. Dalton’s very conservative family can’t accept that their boy loves another boy, but finally Dalton stands up for love and for Lucas. Still, he declares he won’t marry Lucas until it is legal everywhere. He hates the “commitment ceremonies” gay men have. They aren’t the real thing. Why bother?

So Lucas waits for his day. The day same-sex marriage finally becomes legal and he can be joined forever with the love of his life. 

Originally published in the anthology A More Perfect Union, Dreamspinner Press, June 2016


$4.99 $3.74

The Girl Whose Luck Ran Out

Ben Ames Case Files | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Can a disillusioned former cop track down a missing girl before it’s too late?

Seven years ago, criminologist Ben Ames thought he’d change a big city police force from the inside. He failed. Now he’s a private detective trailing insurance frauds and cheating spouses through the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Like police work, the job would be easier if he didn’t have a conscience.

When university student Kimberly Moy goes missing, her sister begs Ben to take the case. But before Ben can follow up on any leads—What does the Fibonacci series have to do with Kim’s disappearance? What do her disaffected friends know? And where is her car?—chance and bad timing drop his unexpected ex, Jesse, into the mix.

Ben doesn’t have time to train Jesse into the junior PI he seems determined to become. Amateur sleuths are always trouble. Unfortunately, this is turning out to be the kind of case that requires backup, and his intuition is telling him Kim’s story may not have a happy ending....


$6.99 $5.24

Die Wunden heilen

Lang Downs (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Seth Simms wollte niemals Cowboy werden und wenn man Jason Thompson, seinem besten Freund, glauben darf, ist er auch keiner. Er hatte nur zufällig Glück, als sein Bruder und er vor zehn Jahren nach Lang Downs kamen. Hier fand er den nötigen Halt, um die Schule abzuschließen und ein Studium zu beginnen. Aber er hätte nie gedacht, dass Lang Downs für ihn der sichere Hafen werden könnte wie für so viele der anderen, die hier ein Zuhause gefunden hatten. Dazu hatte er zu viel mitgemacht. Und seine Vergangenheit hatte Schäden hinterlassen. Niemand würde einen Mann mit seinen Problemen akzeptieren.

Jason hatte sein ganzes Leben lang nur ein Ziel gehabt: Er wollte Tierarzt werden, nach Lang Downs zurückkehren und hier seinen Beruf ausüben – wann immer er gebraucht wurde. Den Rest seiner Zeit wollte er als Jackaroo arbeiten. Und er freute sich darauf, gelegentlich seinen Freund Seth zu sehen, auch wenn seine Träume von einer gemeinsamen Zukunft hoffnungslos waren. Seth war nicht schwul.

Seths überraschende Rückkehr nach Lang Downs ist für Jason ein zusätzliches Geschenk. Aber es ist nicht einfach, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen seiner Beziehung zu einem der Jackaroos und seiner Freundschaft zu Seth zu finden. Dann erkennt er, wie schwer Seth an seiner Vergangenheit zu tragen hat und mit welchen gefährlichen Mitteln er versucht, seine Probleme zu bewältigen.


$6.99 $5.24

The Suit

Long Con Adventures
The Long Con
$6.99 $5.24

A Long Con Adventure

Two and a half years ago, Michael Carmody made the biggest mistake of his life. Thanks to the Salinger crew, he has a second chance. Now he’s working as their mechanic and nursing a starry-eyed crush on the crew’s stoic suit, insurance investigator and spin doctor Carl Cox.

Carl has always been an almost-ran, so Michael’s crush baffles him. When it comes to the Salingers, he’s the designated wet blanket. But watching Michael forge the life he wants instead of the one he fell into inspires him. In Michael’s eyes, he isn’t an almost-ran—he just hasn’t found the right person to run with. And while the mechanic and the suit shouldn’t have much to talk about, suddenly they’re seeking out each other’s company.

Then the Salingers take a case from their past, and it’s all hands on deck. For once, behind-the-scenes guys Michael and Carl find themselves front and center. Between monster trucks, missing women, and murder birds, the case is a jigsaw puzzle with a lot of missing pieces—but confronting the unknown is a hell of a lot easier when they’re side by side.


$6.99 $5.24

Domestic Do-over: Nicht öffentlich

Restoration Channel (Deutsch) | Book 1
$6.99 $5.24

Kann ein kratzbürstiger Zimmermann einem Reality-TV Moderator einen Weg zum Coming Out bauen?

Immobilienguru Brandon Chase weiß, was „familienfreundlich” in der Branche bedeutet, nämlich nicht offen über seine Sexualität zu sein.

Das Aus von Brandons Ehe ist immer noch in den Schlagzeilen, als der Restoration Channel ihm ein Angebot macht: Er soll eine Serie über den Verkauf von Häusern auf dem riskanten Markt von New York City moderieren. Brandon, der immer noch unter der schlechten Presse leidet, zögert, sich darauf einzulassen – bis er sich in ein altes viktorianisches Haus verliebt.

Doch das Haus ist nicht das einzige, das ihm ins Auge fällt.

Der Bauauftragsnehmer Travis Rogers hat die Aufgabe, all die Dinge aufzulisten, die beim Umbau und der Renovierung eines Hauses schiefgehen können, was zu einer Menge Streitereien am Set und zu beiderseitigem Frust führt. Doch als die unter der Oberfläche schwelende Anziehungskraft zwischen den beiden Männern auflodert, stehen die Sendung und ihre Beziehung auf dem Spiel.

Travis hasst das Medieninteresse, das Brandon verfolgt und der Sender hat in der Vergangenheit immer wieder LGBTQ-Persönlichkeiten entlassen. Wie die Häuser, die Brandon zum Verkauf renoviert, hat auch diese Beziehung Potenzial. Aber wenn Brandon Travis nicht überzeugen kann, ein Risiko einzugehen, bleibt die Chemie zwischen ihnen wohl nur auf der Leinwand.



$6.99 $5.24

A Snarl, a Splash, and a Shock

Lions & Tigers & Bears | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Lions & Tigers & Bears: Book Two

As part of a military team, Crank needs to keep his head on straight. His unit depends on it. So the recurring sensual dreams he’s having—the ones featuring a shark shifter with dark brown hair and eyes—really screw with his focus. Especially since the shifter is a guy.

Greenland shark shifter Vic can’t stop thinking about Crank, a human military guy he met when Vic got called in for a consult. Crank seems handy with anything that flies, and Vic would be happy to have him at his back, in more ways than one. And that’s a problem—firstly because Vic’s in love with his boyfriend, Saul, but also because Crank is sarcastic, irreverent… and straight.

The problem comes to a head when Saul discovers Vic has been dreaming about a man who isn’t him. Saul does not share. But when Crank starts invading Saul’s dreams too, he has to reassess his feelings. His life may depend on it.

Exploring the growing connection between the three of them will have to wait, though. The upcoming mission demands the team’s full attention. They’re about to discover something huge, and they have badly underestimated the enemy…. 


$6.99 $5.24

Dirty Deeds (Deutsch)

Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Dirty Laundry
Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi

Sheila Pinelli muss unschädlich gemacht werden. Nie zuvor hätte der zum Privatdetektiv gewordene ehemalige Polizist Cole McGinnis daran gedacht, einen Mord zu begehen. Doch vor sechs Monaten, als Jae-Mins Blut über seine Hände rann und der Tod an die Tür seines Liebsten klopfte, wurde die Ermordung von Sheila Pinelli deutlich weniger abwegig.

Während sich Sheila in einem verborgenen Winkel von Los Angeles versteckt, teilen Jae und Cole ein Bett, ein Haus und vor allem ihr Glück. Dass Jae von seiner traditionellen koreanischen Familie verstoßen wurde, hat ihre Beziehung überstanden und nun planen sie, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen – vorzugsweise ohne die ständige Bedrohung durch Sheila im Hintergrund.

Obwohl die Polizei von Santa Monica Sheila nach einer Verhaftung irrtümlich auf freien Fuß setzt, hat Cole nun einen Hinweis auf ihren Aufenthaltsort. Bis die Spur ihn in ein verrücktes Netz aus Drogen, exotischen Frauen und Tod führt. Doch auch als alles schiefgeht, ist Cole entschlossen, die Frau zu finden, die er einst wie eine Schwester liebte, und sie endgültig aus ihrem Leben zu verbannen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Quand Jeff Pine loue un chalet dans sa ville natale, qu’il a évitée depuis quinze ans, il veut simplement du temps loin de son monde de rock’n’roll pour remettre sa vie à plat. À la place, il tombe sur son ancien meilleur ami – et l’inspiration pour des douzaines de chansons d’amour – dès le premier jour.

Quel idiot !

Le naturaliste du parc Carter Rhodes est une guimauve habillée comme un bûcheron. La célébrité et la fortune ne lui font pas tourner la tête, mais le petit nerd narquois qui le suivait partout étant enfant ? Le type qui le fait rire quand il est en deuil et se détendre quand il en fait trop ? Pas la rock star, mais Jeff ? Ce type a une chance.

Jeff a toujours su que Carter était tout pour lui, mais il fait face à une tournée avec les membres hostiles de son groupe, une échéance approchante pour un album, et des soupçons que leur label mijote quelque chose. Peut-il trouver le courage – et le temps – d’écrire une vraie chanson d’amour avec Carter ?


$6.99 $5.24