Results for "Amy Lane" (244)

$9.99 $7.49

Celebrate the season with Amy Lane’s own brand of holiday cheer.

Enjoy five classic Amy Lane Christmas stories, imbued with her signature blend of humor, romance, and heart-warming satisfaction as businessmen, lawyers, accountants, and teachers all find love this December.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.

If I Must previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2009. Cover Art by Catt Ford Christmas with Danny Fit previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2010. Cover Art by Catt Ford Puppy, Car, and Snow previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2011. Cover Art by Anne Cain Turkey in the Snow previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2012. Cover Art by Catt Ford Going Up! previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2013. Cover Art by Aaron Anderson


$9.99 $7.49
$9.99 $7.49

Amy Lane is famous for her light and quirky contemporary romances. Don't miss these hits: Shiny!: Their unlikely friendship seems like the perfect platonic match until Will reveals how very much more he’s been feeling for Kenny almost since the beginning; Going Up!: With a disarming smile and a penchant for drama, Sean laughs his way into Zach's heart one elevator ride at a time; Clear Water: When the worst day of Patrick’s life ends with Whiskey saving it, Patrick and Whiskey find themselves sharing company and an impossibly small berth on the world’s tackiest houseboat; Gambling Men: Quent Jackson has followed Jason Spade's every move in business and in poker since their first day as college freshmen. Eight years later, when Jace finally decides Quent is the one man he can't live without, he sees no reason for that to change.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$9.99 $7.49

Love will survive, but it's a rough road. Don't miss these best-selling tear-jerker contemporary romances from Amy Lane.—Keeping Promise Rock: When Crick’s knack for volatile decisions lands him far away from home, Deacon is left, shell-shocked and alone, struggling to reforge his heart in a world where love with Crick is a promise, but by no means a certainty.—Racing for the Sun: When Sonny’s ghosts drive them down and run their plans off the road, Ace finds out exactly what he’s made of. Maybe Sonny was the one to promise Ace anything, but there is nothing under the sun Ace won’t do to keep Sonny safe from harm.—Chase in Shadow: Chase has one chance for true love and salvation. He may have met Tommy Halloran in the world of gay-for-pay—where the number of lovers doesn’t matter as long as the come-shot’s good—but if he wants the healing that Tommy’s love has to offer, he’ll need the courage to leave the shadows for the sunlight.—Talker: Brian is outwardly straight, but Talker is desperate for love, and when Talker’s behavior leads to some painful consequences, Brian is forced to come out of his closet—in dramatic fashion.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$9.99 $7.49

From steampunk to fantasy, don't miss these four favorites of alternative-universe gay romance from Amy Lane in this exclusive bundle!

Immortal: As Teyth grows in the craft of metalwork, he also comes to love Diarmuid, the gentle, clever young man who introduces him to smithing. Together, can they keep their village safe and sustain the love that will make them immortal? —Under the Rushes: While Dorjan fights to save the world, Taern joins the battle simply to save Dorjan, knowing everything hinges on the heart of a man in armor and the strength of the man who loves him. —Truth in the Dark: Knife's entire existence has been as twisted as his flesh and his face. He's offered a way out: keep company with Aerie-Smith, cursed to walk upright in the form of a beast, on his island for the span of a year... and perform one "regrettable task" at year's end. —Hammer & Air: Graeme ("Hammer") and Eirn have no words for what they are to each other. They negotiate the dangers of magic and motion, of sex, obsession, and tenderness, hoping to learn the word that can make sense of it all—one word they must earn for themselves.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

Bitter Moon Saga

Bitter Moon Saga | Books One - Four
$9.99 $7.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Bitter Moon Saga is the epic tale of Torrant Shadow—Triane’s Son—and his goddess gift; his lovers, family, and friends; and their struggle against the forces of evil. In Book 1, Torrant and Yarri no longer live in their tolerant home, and Torrant must use his goddess gift for protection if they are to survive. In Book 2, The evil from Torrant's homeland becomes too much to be ignored while he’s in school, and he must choose: will he be a healer or a hero? In Book 3, Torrant and Aylan ride to Dueance to infiltrate the Regent’s council and change policy toward the Goddess’s chosen from the inside. And in Book 4, Torrant must use his healer/poet and predator sides to save his people. If he fails, Rath will eliminate joy from the heart of the lands of the three moons, and all that Torrant and his family cherish will be lost. But success could exact a devastating cost, one Triane’s Son was never prepared to pay.


Triane's Son Rising

Triane's Son Learning

Triane's Son Fighting

Triane's Son Reigning


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

Klar wie Kloßbrühe

Geschichten aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch
$3.99 $2.99

Eine Geschichte aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch

Emmett Gant   hatte sich fest vorgenommen, seinem Vater eines Sonntags etwas sehr Wichtiges zu erzählen – doch sein Vater war gestorben, ehe er dazu kam. Jetzt, drei Jahre später, kann Emmett sich einfach nicht darüber klar werden, mit wem er zusammen sein soll – mit dem Mädchen mit den Apfelbäckchen und der wunderbaren Familie? Oder mit Keegan, seinem scharfzüngigen Nachbarn, der seine Familie nie besucht, aber Emmett sehr glücklich macht, wenn er nur auf einen Schwatz rüberkommt?

Emmett braucht Klarheit. 

Zu Emmetts Glück hat die Mutter seines besten Freundes ein Kochbuch, das ihm Erkenntnis und gutes Essen verspricht. Emmett ist fasziniert. Und als ihm das Kochbuch nach Hause folgt, beschließen Emmett und Keegan, das Rezept „Für Klarheit“ nachzukochen. Was sich daraus ergibt, ist einerseits völlig klar, aber andererseits auch ein bisschen überraschend – vor allem für Emmetts Freundin. Emmett wird ganz scharf über seine Vergangenheit und die wichtigen Dinge, die er seinem Vater zu sagen versäumt hat, nachdenken müssen, wenn er das Rezept für Liebe jemals richtig hinkriegen will. 


$3.99 $2.99

After a meet-cute in a bathroom and a whirlwind courtship, Ryan is ready to introduce Scotty to his parents. But a misunderstanding and some stubborn cuff buttons tangle Ryan up in an oxford shirt at a really inopportune time. Can Scotty take this opportunity to teach Ryan one or two more lessons about falling in love?

2nd Edition
Previously published in the Curious: A Woman's Introduction to Gay Romance anthology by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


Ricette per chiarire

Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B

Una domenica mattina, Emmett Gant esce di casa deciso a confessare al padre una cosa importante, ma scopre che l’uomo è venuto a mancare. Ora, a quasi tre anni di distanza, il giovane non riesce a capire con chi stare: la ragazza dalle guanciotte da criceto e la famiglia numerosa, o Keegan, il vicino di casa che, pur non avendo una famiglia, lo rende felice con la sua sola presenza? 

Ci vuole qualcosa per schiarirsi le idee. 

Per fortuna, la mamma del suo migliore amico possiede un libro di ricette capaci di snebbiare le menti più confuse, e Emmett ne viene subito conquistato. Quando il libro lo segue fino a casa, lui e il vicino decidono di preparare un piatto “per chiarire”, e quello che segue è davvero chiarissimo – e forse anche un po’ sorprendente, soprattutto per la sua ragazza. Emmett dovrà quindi riflettere sul passato e sulla cosa importante che voleva confessare al padre, se non vuole rischiare di rovinare la ricetta per l’amore perfetto.


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$5.99 $4.49

Small dogs can make big changes… if you open your heart.

Carter Embree always hoped someone might rescue him from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and he needs a little help.

Sandy Corrigan, the vet tech who eases Carter into the world of dog ownership, first assumes Carter is a crazy-pants client who just needs to relax. But as Sandy gets a glimpse of the funny, kind, sexy man under Carter’s mild-mannered exterior, he sees that with a little care and feeding, Carter might be “Super Pet Owner”—and decent boyfriend material to boot.

But Carter needs to see himself as a hero first. As he says goodbye to his pristine house and hello to carpet treatments and dog walkers, he finds there really is more to himself than a researching drudge without a backbone. A Carter Embree can rate a Sandy Corrigan. He can be supportive. He can be a man who stands up for his principles!

He can be the owner of a small dog.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Riptide Publishing, November 2016


$5.99 $4.49

Food for Thought

Tales of the Curious Cookbook
$3.99 $2.99

A Tale of the Curious Cookbook

Emmett Gant was planning to tell his father something really important one Sunday morning—but his father passed away first. Now, nearly three years later, Emmett can't seem to clear up who he should be with—the girl with the apple cheeks and the awesome family, or his snarky neighbor, Keegan, who never sees his family but who makes Emmett really happy just by coming over to chat.

Emmett needs clarity.

Fortunately for Emmett, his best friend’s mom has a cookbook that promises to give Emmett insight and good food, and Emmett is intrigued. After the cookbook follows him home, Emmett and Keegan decide to make the recipe “For Clarity,” and what ensues is both very clear—and a little surprising, especially to Emmett's girlfriend. Emmett is going to have to think hard about his past and the really important thing he forgot to tell his father if he wants to get the recipe for love just right.


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$6.99 $5.24

Con un atto di eroismo e sacrificio, la sorella di Anderson Rawn lo salva dalla distruzione della loro piccola colonia mineraria, ma le sue azioni condannano il tredicenne a dieci anni di solitudine nell’iperspazio, nel viaggio alla ricerca di una nuova casa. Usando l’elettronica e la disperazione, Anderson si costruisce una famiglia per tenergli compagnia, ma la famiglia non sempre è una benedizione.

Quando finalmente Anderson arriva, C.J. Poulson lo accoglie con curiosità e stupore, perché chiunque sopravviva a un inferno e reinventi la scienza olografica è una leggenda e merita il rispetto di C.J. Ma più questi indaga su come Anderson sia sopravvissuto negli ultimi dieci anni, più si sente attratto da una fantasia davvero pericolosa, una fantasia che può offrire la chiave della salvezza di Anderson e della sua distruzione.

Nonostante le sue migliori intenzioni, C.J. non può resistere alla seduzione di Anderson. La loro attrazione rischia di distruggerli entrambi, perché il cuore di un uomo che riesce a sopravvivere alla distruzione del suo popolo e a rimanere consapevole di sé è il cuore di un vero uomo, e non potrà essere rinnegato.


$6.99 $5.24

La Salvación de Talker

Talker (Español) | Volumen 2
$3.99 $2.99

Volumen 2 de la Serie Talker

El pasado de Tate Walker es demasiado doloroso para borrarlo, a pesar de que el chico de sus sueños, Brian Cooper, está a su lado. Este ha hecho hasta lo imposible por él, pero Talker (que siempre ha sido bueno para ignorar el dolor) tiene problemas para enfrentarse a lo que le pasó cuando confió en el hombre equivocado en un mal momento de su vida.

Cuando la verdad resurge y envía a Brian al hospital, Talker se ve forzado a tomar una decisión: puede hacer frente a cada demonio de su frágil y sangrante corazón o puede dejar que Brian lo defienda, como lo ha hecho desde el inicio. Pero incluso Talker sabe que no debe dejar a su chico solo e indefenso cuando acaba de salvar su vida, y tendrá que encontrar las fuerzas necesarias para cuidar de él cuando este lo necesita más que nunca.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Xander Karcek hat sich immer nur zwei Dinge vom Leben gewünscht: Christian Edwards und Basketball – den Mann, den er liebt und den Sport, der in seiner Kindheit, die er lieber vergessen würde, seine einzige Zuflucht war. Seine beiden großen Leidenschaften haben ihm gut getan. Gegen jede Wahrscheinlichkeit haben Chris und er es zusammen von der Highschool, ins College und bis in ein Profi-Basketball-Team geschafft.

Aber das Leben unter dem Mikroskop der Berühmtheit ist nicht leicht, besonders für zwei Männer, die vorgeben, Kumpels zu sein, damit niemand erfährt, dass sie so gut wie verheiratet sind. Ihre Beziehung überlebt die Opfer, die sie bringen und die Lügen, die sie erzählen, um zusammenzubleiben. Aber als ihr Geheimnis entdeckt wird, drohen die Konsequenzen sie zu zerstören, wie nichts sonst es vermochte.

Chris und Basketball, das sind die zwei Dinge, die Xander zusammenhalten. Aber jetzt zwingt die Welt Xander dazu, eine Entscheidung zu treffen. Gibt es eine Zukunft mit dem Mann, den er liebt?


$6.99 $5.24

Talker, la rédemption

Talker (Français) | Tome 2
$3.99 $2.99

Suite de Talker
Talker, tome 2

Tate Walker a un passé bien trop douloureux pour faire une croix dessus, même si Brian Cooper, le garçon de ses rêves, est là pour lui tenir la main. Brian fait de son mieux, mais Talker a toujours choisi l’esquive. Aussi, il a du mal à accepter ce qui s’est passé… en cette nuit fatale où il a accordé sa confiance à un homme qui ne la méritait pas.

Quand la vérité ressurgit et que Brian se retrouve à l’hôpital, Talker est obligé de faire un choix : soit il affronte les démons qui menacent de briser son cœur fragile, soit il laisse une fois encore Brian écoper pour lui.

Bien entendu, Talker réalise qu’il lui est impossible d’abandonner le garçon de ses rêves, seul et sans défense, alors que Brian vient juste de lui sauver la vie. Il doit trouver la force et le courage de s’occuper de Brian qui a désormais besoin de lui. Plus que jamais.


$3.99 $2.99

Supersexy in calzini

Johnnies (Italiano)
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Johnnies

La cotta di Donnie per il coinquilino della sorella, Alejandro, è durata ben oltre i sogni a occhi aperti di quand’era un ragazzino e lo sta facendo impazzire! Così, quando spunta l’occasione di occuparsi della casa per la sorella e Yandro, non si sente troppo solo: ha infatti un sacco di fantasie vividissime a fargli compagnia! Con un po’ di cieca fortuna – e l’aiuto di un magico regalo fatto a mano – quelle fantasie diventeranno realtà?


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La laurea di Talker

Talker (Italiano)
$3.99 $2.99

Seguito di La guarigione di Talker
Serie Talker, Libro 3

Sei riuscito a sopravvivere... ma cosa fai dopo? Brian Cooper si è ripreso dall’assalto che l’ha quasi ucciso e Tate Walker ha affrontato i suoi demoni. Quello che rimane... sono loro due. Crescere insieme e far crescere il loro amore è tutto fuorché semplice.

L’eterno ottimismo di Talker e la fede silenziosa di Brian potrebbero essere sufficienti per affrontare ogni ostacolo, grande e piccolo, sulla loro strada, ma anche per affrontare le conseguenze dei loro sogni che diventano realtà.


$3.99 $2.99

Prometidos para siempre

Manteniendo la Roca Promesa
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 4 de la serie Manteniendo la Roca Promesaa

Crick lleva en casa cinco años desde Iraq, Jeff y Collin están finalmente casados, y Shane y Mikhail están mejorando silenciosamente las vidas de adolescentes sin hogar que se cruzan en su camino. Todo está bien en el mundo de Deacon, pero nada nunca permanece igual.

Cuando sus mejores amigos, Jon y Amy, responden a la llamada de una oportunidad en Washington, DC, Deacon imagina que así es la vida. Amas a gente, y ellos te dejan, y sobrevives. Incluso Benny, la hermana pequeña de Crick, está casi lista para ser una adulta y empezar su propio futuro. Pero Benny quiere a Deacon, y se lo debe todo... Puede que un día deje atrás El Púlpito y Levee Oaks, pero no sin dejar algo de sí misma tras de sí. Así que le ofrece a Crick y a Deacon un regalo sorprendente... y una decisión aterradora.

Su oferta fuerza a Deacon y a Crick a desenterrar cada error del pasado y cada promesa de redención. Y no solo ellos dos; todo el mundo se ve obligado a examinar las oportunidades que se les han dado y las promesas que han hecho. En una familia real, un niño es una promesa, y para los hombres y mujeres de Roca Promesa, mantener esa promesa cambiará sus vidas para siempre.


$6.99 $5.24

Behind the Curtain

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Dawson Barnes recognizes his world is very small and very charmed. Running his community college theater like a petty god, he and his best friend, Benji know they'll succeed as stage techs after graduation. His father adores him, Benji would die for him, and Dawson never doubted the safety net of his family, even when life hit him below the belt.

But nothing prepared him for falling on Jared Emory's head.

Aloof dance superstar Jared is a sweet, vulnerable man and Dawson's life suits him like a fitted ballet slipper. They forge a long-distance romance from their love of the theater and the magic of Denny's. At first it's perfect: Dawson gets periodic visits and nookie from a gorgeous man who “gets” him—and Jared gets respite from the ultra-competitive world of dancing that almost consumed him.

That is until Jared shows up sick and desperate and Dawson finally sees the distance between them concealed painful things Jared kept inside. If he doesn’t grow up—and fast—his "superstar" might not survive his own weaknesses. That would be a shame, because the real, fragile Jared that Dawson sees behind the curtain is the person he can see spending his life with.


$6.99 $5.24